Inappropriate Language on PVP forum

I have your whining and being passive aggersive and heading for a post lock .

If its about PVP and langauge post there dont bring it to GD and dont name blues in a post its agaisnt forum rules .

Do not post about locked or deleted threads

Posts that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. It’s up to you to read the forum code of conduct and these guidelines to determine what you did wrong, learn from your mistake, and attempt to post again without breaking any rules.


Using the words Blizzard, Blue, or any community team members name in a thread topic to gather attention is frowned upon

Everyone would like Blizzard to read and acknowledge his or her post, and we understand that. However, use of such words in the topic does not help that come to pass. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

Note that threads discussing e.g. the Blizzard authenticator or Blizzard’s latest press release are allowed to have Blizzard in the title as it’s then relevant to the discussion.

Please read before responding that high and mighty tone of yours.