Include spinning crane kick in ancient teachings legendary

Would love to heal with the legendary using spinning crane kick. Maybe limit it to a single target to not make it too good.
In mythic + I use spinning kick alot and dont get the benefit.
Its great on bosses but doesnt feel right on trash that i need to hit a single mob to heal when i want to use spinning crane

Trying to balance that would be horrible for the legendary… and also the playstyle would be boring. I’d rather they keep it as it is than to ruin it. Atleast SCK works with Invoke Chi-Ji. But even there for pure healing its better to do ST.

i don’t see why? Way of the crane healed off spinning crane kick in bfa

I don’t see how this would make it harder to balance. SCK is target capped.

Let’s assume you can do 2k dps single target. You’ll get 5k hps out of it, assuming there’s always someone within 20 yards who needs the healing.

If you do 4k AoE dps on 6 targets (should stay the same even for 100 targets) you’d get 10k hps out of it. I can do that as resto shaman on prides basicly for their whole duration and also deal like 5k dps. Furthermore, you’d have to recast EF every now and then, lowering your dps overall due to dps breaks from casting EFs.

If that’s op, they could also change the legendary to only convert 125% of SCK’s damage to healing, effectively lowering that hps to 5k. Still higher than single target but not that high. Easy fix.

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