After all that time and all that effort (mainly by those who figured out the riddles), after 4 legged wingless beasts that can fly, I do not think that Incognitro should be just a Ground mount.
It is be a shame to go through all this just to use it only in flightless zones.
It really shouldnt. Its a bike. A really nice bike. Bikes dont fly.
And yes i know we have flying ships and whatnot, i dont care, if Orb 12 means it can fly i wont even finish it.
Despite that one of the hints while solving it points that the incognitro can do interdimensional travels, flying is the least of your worries whether a “bike” can do or not.
If you been following the wow secret discord, it has 3 more orbs to be solved that unlocks some features of the bike, so perhaps one of them is flying, while the other could be the new drive feature coming in next patch.
I never said that my feelings made any sense. They dont have to make sense, i just explained how i feel about it. If it turns out Orb 12 gives flying, i wont finish it, simple as that.
It is, no one forces me to fly on it so i guess that having to unlock flying on it through the last 3 orbs would be the best option if they do want to do flying.
Personally i think it will be another color like void or something though.
I hope one of them is a mailbox a transmogifier an AH and a repairer merged together JK, makes me wonder what kind of features are going to be unlocked?
I think it will be a waste if they do not put in the Ratts hideout an object that acts as a toggle between flying and not flying (or two versions of the mount). Toggles are nice to have, just like we got the option to have a transforming or non transforming version of the Warden armor.
yeah right, because parkouring into that tiny hole is peak entertainment and then swimming.
Its not like we have a seperate instance under Karazhan for that or anything.
Where anyone can teleport to via the ring or Dalaran.
Sometimes its really giggly how uncreative people try to push creatives into enlightenment.
Creative people are not always practical though. Especially the sort that think they are too artistic to let feedback affect their “creative freedom”
You seriously associate the Dunning–Kruger effect to arguing that options are better than no options?
I already used the original state of the Warden set to demonstrate that just because someone is creative, they are not perfect. The players gave feedback on the matter and eventually we got basically 3 different sets instead of just 1. An absolute win for everyone except of the few who are obsessed with white-knighting every mistake that Blizzard does.