Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle

All 3 of them are still obtainable. Wicker Pup is super easy, Nelthara requires having an evoker at 70 and Spyragos is a reward from the quest A Dragon’s Day Off, which should be available if you did the campaign in DF.

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I did the pet battles in the past by using a level one pet, the fight usually scales

This one doesnt.

I will stick to the hivemind mount, the bikes aren’t my thing.

Thats completely fair, they arent for anyone. I did get the Hivemind but i really dislike that model, ive never used it

This one not scales
The secret ones that you could use and need to be lvl 25. :
Wicker Pup
Snowclaw Cub
Sun Darter Hatchling

This is so damn typical, they have turned a massive treasure hunt / puzzle into a grind…how Blizz of them

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Or you could spend the literal hour and change to get any 3 secret pets to 25.

The goold old fashioned way
Pen and paper, like our forefathers did

I’ve done that…the next part is even worse

It’s a single pet battle.
I’m not even a pet battler and collecting them wasn’t that bad.
He’ll squirt is even there at the anniversary grounds for quick leveling if you don’t happen to have charms for the lvling stones.
And the next part in ZG is easy enough because it’s a joint effort between everyone standing around the altars

It’s shared progress, can stand by with the torch and wait for someone else to do it if you want.

Then part 7 you’ve gotta solve a puzzle yourself, the horror.

There is an addon for these people :grimacing:

So I don’t have to collect all the toys / mounts etc. for the Zul Gurub part ? I have most of them but others seem like a pain finding quest chains to complete to unlock, oh and Garrisons…nuff said

No. You just need to be channelling on the idol when the conditions are met. Each needed item can be provided by a different person too, they don’t all need to be owned by the same guy.

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No. No, it’s not “amazing”.
Quests and achievement are boring, no lore oriented, we don’t learn anything.
No fight, no strat, no PVP so far, no fun.
Just go there, clic this crap, and go back where you come from. many, many times.
Must find old RARE battle pets, and pex them to get the “Golden Muffin”, so if you don’t care about battle pets, just forget this bike mount.

So boring overall I watched movies and played GW2 at the same time. And stopped at the battle pets sh*t.

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I’m looking forward to slowly making my way through this once I have more time, and TWW. I think it’s awesome they sort of tied all the expansions together. It does sound pesky, but in an entertaining way :wink:


Who the hell is that😂

The most efficient npc to battle in order to level up battle pets fast.

At best you can level 1-25 just in 2 battles per pet, when squirt and pet event is up at the same time.

Does anybody know, while I won the Battle pet, it didn’t give me the quest for the golden muffin, just to catch you up, I had the buff from the skull.