Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle

Which pets were used?
Did you do all previous steps?

You need to use the correct pets and need to have completed the 4 o’clock puzzle.

You can use this script to check if you completed step 4:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84780))

If it says “true” in chat, you completed it, if “false”, you did not.

Taptaf , Nelthara, Terky… I haven’t done the 4th which is in the tomb of Uther.

Thats the issue then, you need to do that first.


didnt know this , thank you for the help :slight_smile:


8th orb, check
This rat hunting and statue placing was quite fun!
3 Orbs to go!
It is so close I could taste the fel tainted exhaust fumes!
Fingers crossed for no PvP puzzle

I swear, the fel bike better be able to fly after all this trouble


it better drift for the upcoming car racing!

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I never got that one, My friend got it and explained about having to use a glider from Highmountain to a tiny island way out in Fatigue zone. I decided it wasn’t for me.

I guess this bike isn’t either.

You never go to highmountain for Baa’l though.
You do need to go into several fatigue zones and the pebbles are so small that i think that would be pretty much impossible for you, but whoever told you Highmountain was High(mountain)

I may be misremembering or maybe I misheard them on Discord chat.
But the Highmountain part wasn’t that important. The essential component of the issue was needing to glide to a spec of dust in the fatigue zone, at night in a force 7 storm, whilst giving birth to triplets and listening to Klingon Opera.

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Yeah because when that stuff came out, there was no Pathfinder available yet, so you couldnt fly.
All of that is obsolete now but it is still really difficult to see the pebbles.

We have people currently looking for pebbles in other oceans. The trials of the secret hunters are real :grimacing:

8/12 orbs done ,you can do them with 1 or more friends its much easier.
Cant wait for the next clues its a fun mini content

just red version ez get haha

The easiest secret pet to get your hands on is the Sun Darter Hatchling - takes less than an 1hr and most the items are cheap on the AH - the only effort you need to put in is for the Ogre suit (do not buy for 50k off AH) from Dire Maul, The Dire Brew from ancient BRD -fun fact you get smashed in the process :slight_smile: and you need Scotty’s Lucky Coin from MoP.

Once you have all the items it takes 25 min following this guide from Wowheads. Don’t want to read then follow Hazel’s you tube guide.

Best part once you done you can cage it and make some gold off the AH.

As a side note, it is still possible to get Baa’lial Soulstone the Treasure Goblin used to drop during the Diablo event somehow or unobtainable?

I got this one at the time. Not sure if still possible to get.

Baa’lial is sadly unobtainable afaik. Might appear on the Trading Post at some point though.

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The easiest secret pets to get are wicker pup, terky, spyragos, nelthara, and taptaf.

Each requiring either only a handful of open world items (Terky and taptaf literally 1) or a short quest chain.

Sun darter isn’t that bad and id definitely call it more secret than the other ones, but it’s notably more fiddly / convoluted.

Even jennafur, who took the secret finders a year to solve, actually only takes about 10 minutes to get from scratch yourself.