Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle

Sadly the question was posed to Josh and replied “mechanically it is the same as the blaze cycle but it has some extra fun features”

If we curios enough we need to solve the last 3 to find out what they are.

So far I am guessing input codes as I described here :

code input :  17 shoots off fireworks or exhaust backfire 
code input :  418 interactive Easter egg that turns you into a bunny

Possibly more…

Now why would people complain about a secret solving puzzle ???

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I think step 9 has garnered a fair number of complaints because the community has been stuck on it so long.

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Damn bro that was a hectic few weeks. Gz to the insane people
Over at the secret finder discord to pull through.
I’ll happily use your guidance
To get my lovely motorbike.

Tbh i would find it way worse if it meant flying

They said the orbs were timegated essentialy. That the secrets was being “fed” by a Dev on the secret finding discord.

Makes no sense to complain. I mean its a puzzle and it needed to be solved and I don’t think two weeks was very long. Jennafur took them over a year to figure out.

So what was time gated ? Give an example.

I mean you solved the one puzzle you moved onto the next. Nothing was time gated at all in my opinion.

Apparently, historically, the secrets didn’t take this long to solve.

see my comment here :point_up_2:

Okay. That being said, the bike is waaaaaay more desirable than the pet.

Stupid reason to complain in my opinion. But who cares now we got the bike.

3 orbs left so who knows :))

We were over thinking it. People had roughly the right idea within 24 hours but nobody had done all 3 things one after the other.

To you it makes no sense. I’m just answering your question :wink:

Jenafur equally got complaints.

Probably yes, but only its the first time I actually got involved into trying to solve one. I had a blast of a time and met some really great people along the way. So no it will never make sense to complain.

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The big complaint I could remember was the quest to start things up wasn’t around for a week or so after the previous steps were completed.
Making people trying to brute force things for nothing for that time.
Took a blue post to let people know it was done till a certain date. So people could stop looking.

people who complain about this need to move to other games imho. and people saying it was timegated are just game locusts and care nothing about the gane or the journey.

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The problem for me is that if it is true they gave the cycle on orb 9 because of complaints it kind of invalidates this for me. It feels like a sympathy gift and I never really earned it.

So I am choosing to believe that comment about complaints is just pure BS.

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The puzzle is bad design
Who let the devs cook and put their own personal demons into it?

Nothing was being fed. Im in that discord and the channel dedicated to that dev is 99% people asking generic questions that dont even have anything to do with the secrethunt.

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Can you elaborate? I only following the steps and skiping the RP aspect.