Inconsistency of Elemental Mark transformation in UI

I created a bug report for developers and decided to place it here (sorry if it’s not the best place).

Elemental Mark is an effect applied by Nature’s Ward ability, mostly of fawns (critters) and some other pets.
From the description:

[Nature’s Ward]
Restores xxx health every round for 5 rounds.
While healing, your type is transformed to Elemental.

[Elemental Mark]
Wearer takes damage as if they were an elemental pets.

This mark is applied every time when we use Nature’s Ward, its icon is shown below the pet’s portrait on the top pet battle UI. According to the log, it is reapplied itself every time immediately after the healing effect until the last round when Nature’s Ward fades and this effect as well.

The problem is, effect of Elemental Mark is shown very inconsistently in the battle UI. From the common sense, the transformation of our pet to Elemental shall be visible as change of Critter icon to Elemental all the time when the effect is active. However, the Elemental icon is shown only until the battle with the first opponent ends. After that, the pet icon changes to Critter and never returns back to Elemental, no matter how many rounds remain or if we reapply the Nature’s Ward again. It’s only the UI problem, the battle mechanic counts our pet correctly transformed to Elemental, using Strong/Weak different to Critter.

How to reproduce:
add appropriate pet, for example, lvl 25 Gleamhoof Fawn to slot 1 and set the abilities:
1 - Hoof (main attack)
2 - Nature’s Ward
3 - Bleat (for additional healing, mostly unused)
Go to lower level area, e.g. Borean Tundra with lvl 20-21 pets and start a battle. The level difference is enough to defeat all 3 opponents using only abilities 1 and 2. Use Nature’s Ward and notice the pet icon: initially it shows Critter. After first Nature’s Ward it changes to Elemental until the end of battle with first opponent. Then the icon returns to Critter and never becomes Elemental again, when you use this ability battling against remaining opponents.
Look at the Elemental Mark effect icon, it is shown correctly; the battle log is shown well too, the effects Strong/Weak as well. Only the pet type UI icon is inconsistent.

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Yes. It is bad, a sloppy inconsistency.

Someone recently said that they didn’t get credit for Aquatic Brawler when their Puddle Terror died while under Nature’s Ward. I couldn’t test that because I had finished it. Thank you for reminding me that I can test in now with the SL Family achievement.

Thank you, Gráinne.
Here are some additions to my first report:

  1. If during the long battle against a particular opponent (enemy pet) the Elemental Mark expires in natural way after 5 rounds, its restoration by using Nature’s Ward ability works correctly, i.e. current pet is marked as Elemental again.

  2. If current opponent has been captured by the trap, effect of Elemental Mark continues to be shown properly.

  3. If during the battle the pet with Elemental Mark has been replaced with another pet but later returned to frontline, Elemental Mark effect either restores or expires beyond 5 rounds but can be activated and seen again.

  4. Elemental effect in UI disappears immediately when current opponent is defeated by any cause and in such case it never comes back.

I can conclude that only death of an opponent produces such buggy side effect. Maybe this can help to find a particular place of bug in the game code.

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