Increase in rude/unsportsmanslike conduct

I have recently returned to wow classic(sod) to try out mage as it is the class i have played the least.
And through my travels in the world and there seems to be a trend where i tend to encounter players with extremly rude/unsportsmanlike behavior almost everywhere i go.
This has caused alot of frustration and waiting time or sometime even causing extra travel time. (il provide examples later in this post)
i dont know how to deal with this and it is really makeing me frustrated and angry.

One such example is when im aoe farming on my mage, some other player will come grif me by pulling mobs into my aoe, this results in me getting agro on those mobs and will mess up my pull, resulting in death or if i detect it early enough i might be able to reset. this is an everyday occurance if i try to aoe farm, some player even stick around to do it again.
when i was doing the leylines, for the new rune, as i summoned in the elemental people straight up stole the tag when it wasnt even them who spent the ‘worldsoul fragment’,
refusing to invite to group or give me the fragment that dropped, resulting in me having to return to the nearest city to purchase a new one, this has not happned just once or twice but multiple times when i did the rune, and today it happened twice in a row on diffrent ‘leylines’ when i was helping a friend do it on his alt.
(even when i spammed fireblast for tag, there was always someone who got the tag before me,)
ive got plenty of other stories but it might considering ‘ranting’.

What can i do about this? there is no ingame report system for cases like this type of griefing.
i am tiered of this and im actualy considering if it worth to continue playing this game.


Here is explanation. People do not like mages farming aoe dry their spots.
That said, I also not like “ambience” in SoD. Too many edgy ones. I play now mainly HC rarely Era, never SoD.


I’ve found it the opposite, people have been very helpful to me, much more than retail has ever been, one of the reasons I left it. I would guess you are on a PvP realm as that’s where most of those type of antisocial people are. They grief or camp anyone they can.

As long as you aren’t farming quest mobs you should be ok.

One last thing, this is the Classic Era realms forums, SoD has it’s own forums and you can move this post using the pencil next to the title.


thing is, i am not farming popular spots, and its mainly the same faction griefing. i play on a pvp realm and the oposing faction is not a problem since i signed up for a pvp realm.
if someone need the mobs for quests i usualy invite them so they can move on.
(also thanks for pointing out my post was in the incorrect place it is now fixed)

Some people just won’t accept invites and want to kill quest mobs on their own. I would say find somewhere that contains no quest mobs to AoE farm. There are more than you think, if you go farming places like moonbrook then people will get annoyed.

i haven’t seen much griefer in SoD except in incursion but well that’s a pvp server for you.
also sometimes ppl snap , murdered tons of ppl in incursion just bcs some paladin griefer pissed me off

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Yea on pvp realms usually the scum of humanity is located. I met good people and a*sholes griefers. It happens to all of us
 I also hate aoe farming mages and somethis whisper them if i could have some mobs too lol. But dont take it personal, these people usually have really bad Problems in reallife, mental health problems

Whatever makes u sleep

It is what it is, after reading many of your posts, seems like you are fitting in this category too, gn8 sweet prince

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Gn señor señorsengo

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Hi there! All that players you meet in game, most of them are just humans like you, (possible to meet bots tho) that means they have their own personality and behavior. There is nothing you can do about that, but to ignore and move on.
Sometimes you meet nice ones, sometimes the weird ones, it is what it is.
In my opinion try to pretend nothing happened and enjoy your time in game.
If you let others to provoke you, they determine the way you act, you would not want that.
In reality, or even in game you may never meet this people again, why bother at all.
There is options, change zone, change layer, change server etc. You can change your game, but cannot change others.

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Most sane wow player right there

welcome to this warming community of lowlife people. I suggest you to try to get songflower buff in fellwood :slight_smile: