Increase rating you get in 3s - 2s

One of the reasons why normal arenas are dying is because you gain next to no points when winning. You get a lot more in solo shuffle, which is why many prefer playing that. At least increase the rating you get for winning in 2s - 3s.

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Rating gains got increased in compare to start of the season already and will be further increased towards end of the season.

Close this thread already :yawning_face:

Already happening, they started rating inflation later this season

30-50 min que for 6 Games and U get Like 40 Rating, depends on MMR in shuffle.

5sec - 2 min que for one normal arenagame und U get Like 10-18 Rating, depends on MMR.


Depends on the queue. Healer instant. Even on my DPS, a lot has been quite quick.

DĂŠpend on your spec, as sp I usually get a fast q (around 15min) never ever wait 50min not even 40min since the start of the season.

Why are players bring SS into this thread when it’s clearly about different arena brackets ?

Like go back to SS whining threads there is plenty of them :roll_eyes:

This is about solo shuffle as well as…

My apologies I got off track with your summary of the thread that goes “increase rating you get in 2s -3s”.

Clearly my bad I am kinda new to the game didn’t know that solo shuffle counts towards 2s-3s bracket

Smart guy… That was the title. Read the actual post, then use your brain and acknowledge what was said. People are talking about solo as well, because I mentioned how many points you get in solo compared to 2s - 3s. Please do better.

All right Martin Luther king defender of the donkeys, master brain of hunters ultimate forum simp.

But I beg you don’t make me read your post again I promise I’ll do better next time

if there ever were some worthy simp that is snowmixy paladin but the forum aint one lol

She is ugly as hell

She became chubby now. I saw clips of people telling her to stop drinking Soda but she didn’t listen. Now her boyfriend left her. Girls care of yourself. Just because you got a BF doesn’t mean you can stop caring about your looks and start eating like a hipo.

had hunter on prema with huge simp for mixy, always talking mid wsg about mixy when others trying call something :joy:

idk i think she look ok rakar but im old geezer, has good lungs and sense of humor is alright for me :smiley:

Are you for real bro? She’s hot af.


hot an funny :heart_eyes_cat: :grin:

You serious? Average girl in Warsaw is hotter than her

LOL I dunno if srs.

100% serious. She only has big boobs. Besides that she is below average.