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i hate fitness women tbh, its more natural and speaks of estrogen levels when they have bit cushion

never had much interest for very skinny or too sporty types, normal is just good

and like with all things i try to keep the golden mean in mind or golden middle or whatever

never anything too strict find the middle and ur good :ok_hand:

have bit pizza with netflix and next day or two go for run, i only live once :slight_smile:


As an instructor, I encourage people to occasionally eat things they really enjoy. I myself enjoy asian foods, so noodles, dumplings n what not. Like you said, you only live once, you can’t just stick to eating chicken and rice your whole life. (Unless you wanted to of course)

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when i drove trucks for living it were alot what can be found from the truck stops on roads somewhere around somewhere

once u have more freedom to choose where u go i would go to asian places too, korean, vietnamese and thailand restaurants are really good places i like them alot too


It’s not about fitness bodies. I don’t like too much muscle on women but some excercise is always good.

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Check aspen rae thank me later

like red sonja, she gonna do hulk babies to u rakar :smiley:

few years ago this canadian girl natasha aughey were everywhere, shes pretty and funny personality u might like her, but she gone full hulk now :joy:

good leg workout etc

related to thread, 2/3s situation bad, deflated 2/3s bad :thinking:

I mean 1hr workout a day is a lot of time out of your daily life… I used to run/play squash a lot when I was younger but even then I didnt have to run for an hour.
Exercise is important but 1hr a day is a lot for most people.

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But u workout i think we talked about it in the past or 1 hr is 4% or if im not incorrect

Not really mate. When I do cardio I listen to audiobooks or watch something in a meanwhile. Working out also boosts your reaction time in WoW and make you feel more positive. I have ADHD as well do I have to spend some energy

Right but as a % of your awake day - I wake up at 7:30 get ready and get to work at 9, leave work at 5:30, get home at 6. Then I used to run etc - so if I then went to the gym and came back and then cook and eat, its like what, 9pm, gives me 2 hours of free time.

To say “oh its just an hour” completely ignores that actually, it is a commitment unless you actually enjoy doing it and its part of a routine.

I preferred doing like 5k-10k distances max in the week and maybe a half in the weekend when I ran and even that was a lot of time I think for most people to do.

i run ~2 times week for hour a time, im looking for smart sized cycle tho would be bis for half hour or hour while watch some stuff would save so much time :smiley:

i do this cycle of gym, rest, run, rest, gym, rest, run sometimes changing how i feel like or according injuries. i dont care about week days rly i just keep doing something of those sometimes with shorter rest and sometimes with longer its just whatever rly to me, i dont do it super serious but i try keep on doing something without too long break

I work from home around 70% of the time and I bought some equipment to work out. I have a stepper, stationairy bike, bench etc. Also I have literally a gym in the same building available for our employees. Once I’m in the office I go there. Take a shower and go home.

I get it if you have a long way home. But for me it’s not a big deal. I also have diet catering delivered to my door every evening so it’s not that hard. Working out 1 hour a day isn’t that hard especially if you live of a stream as some girls we mentioned here. Cannot believe it’s such a hussle.

nah i do something from my cycle every other or next day and have 1-2 rest on between

atm most interest on getting my back sorted, can run but wouldnt deadlift its on constant pain for half year alrdy and public care is no use in finland gonna pay to get something for it from private soon i recon if nothing else

but its good to keep moving and also have enough rest between

rakar check out some yoga and thank me later

i swear i look for one strech for back and then yt algorithm onwards is like this and im like how am i going to fix my back with Freedom Action Potion

No. That’s the effect of it dying, not the cause. It’s dying, because it’s a four-letter-word, that I apparently can’t post for some arbitrary reason.
Almost nobody plays the tumor called arena. Wow pvp needs to be reimagined. Soloqueue RBG’s, or objective based 6v6 soloqueue game modes can do wonders for the game. Also, people who say, that wow is a multiplayer game, that shouldn’t have soloqueue, need to sit down for a little bit, and think about why they have time to play on a long dense schedule as 20-40 years old adults

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