You stated that there was technology that would allow higher capacity and that was why we had 2 realms. My guild opted for living flame, because it was the highest on the list. I am now in a qué at 10.30am on a Friday, bizarre.
Can this capacity be increased please
would be nice when they higher the capacity immediately. > 3k queue at early afternoon is no fun with over 90 minutes waiting time. How will it be in the evening hours?
Gehennas Wotlk Classic launch all over again! Gotta love it
people choosing the obvious choice the majority will go on and complain about queues? shocker.
Obvious choice? Please elaborate.
Not like there was a ton of servers so just picked one that was PvP, why was it the obvious choice for the majority?
Fire up some more layers allright? And to the smarta$$es, noones gonna move from Living flame to some meme RP realm thank you for the great suggestion tho.
I couldn’t even change even if I wanted to because it just drops me right the fk out.
U do realize that there are ONLY 2 pure pvp realms and they will end up the same in about 2 days time do u … they will be full to the brim, then what u gonna say ? Mate SOD is bigger than even dumb retail… increased capacity just 2 pvp servers is absolute underestimation of the popularity and the player base of the product period. No pve does not count and RP also does not no matter what the fanboys say… its so obvious the majority play on pure pvp servers and they are just 2 and will be equally full, this kind of queue for over 3 hrs is not even on saturday/sunday prime time its mid day friday … forget to login Sunday if ur not starting like 4 in the morning. I know that fewer servers are better , not at the start thou , they increased the capacity to what numbers exactly … cuz i can see the numbers on discord and they clearly underestimated , SOD is mega popular i wont be surprised if ppl that want to play are 5 times the capacity .
PS: Not even going to start on the subject of Blizzard as a company , they have probably the most experience on mmo releases in the fokin planet bro , 20 years ongoing patches and expansions and they NEVER MADE A PROPER REALEASE , NOT ONCE .
I just hope blizzard launched on thursday to have friday as a buffer to fix the mistakes they knew they will make at launch, can not even log in to switch realm it’s so bad.
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Sorry, but how was it the obvious choice? We did not know what the realms would be until about 20.50 last night, we simply picked one. If the obvious choice of two is simply the one at the top of the list, then ok. But there were ques for lone wolf too when some us checked that. So capacity needs increased anyway if there are two PvP realms.
Care to make up more lies?
It’s preferable for most to have early pains in a Classic launch than to have to pay to transfer off a dying realm in a few months.
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Actually LF was my last choice RPPVP and the other PVP were locked and couldn’t create my char, LF was the only one that let me create! So yea not so obvious…
He is a contrarian trolling the forum posts
There isn’t even a queue anymore it just says:
“This realm’s login queue is full and cannot accept more players, Please choose another realm.”
Blizzard, all of the PVP realms, all two of them, are full. There is no other realm’s that don’t have this problem
With no option to move my characters that I’ve spent hours leveling why would I just start over? Also with only one other PVP server that’s also full what difference does it make?
Yeaa increase the capacity
or give us character transfers xD
I agree free character migration from Living Flame should be allowed not next patch but now.
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lonewolf has 0 queue all day