Increase Wartorn Cloth Scrap drop rate in Naxx

Blizzard please increase the drop rate of Wartorn Cloth Scrap in Naxx.
The amount of cloth that is droping compared to other scraps is ridiculous. Every raid we finishing we at least 60 cloth scraps short for the players.
Also the price for them on AH is way overpriced becuse of that.

black lotus expensive?
lmao just have every herb node drop them.
oops can’t make money as herbalist anymore…

flasks expensive?
lmao just give people transmute mastery so they can turn 1 lotus into 25 flasks with some lucky procs.
oops can’t make money as alchemist anymore…

arcanite bar/mooncloth too expensive?
lmao just make the crafts proc a minimum of 3 with a chance to get 5.
oops can’t make money as tailor/miner/alchemist/blacksmith anymore…

you getting the point, sir?
making rare commodities more accessible makes it harder to make gold using said “rare” commodities…
look what happened to the AQ idols and mats… they went from being extremely lucrative to literal garbage.

those who knew what is needed in nax phase have made a fortune simply buying out cheap arcane crystals and selling them for tons of gold now that everyone needs them. (same for mooncloth and cured rugged hide and refined deeprock salts)

a tiny bit of research can make you rich.
do the research.

Leather (and partly mail/plate) classes have cured rugged hides that’s needed in bigger amount then mooncloth for cloth classes and more expencive. So total price is almost the same

I wouldn’t have problem with what you saying if all scraps were rare and expansive.

Plate scraps =3 gold
Chain scraps =99 silver
Lether scraps = 3.11 gold
Cloth scraps =26 gold

You see my point there sir ?
You can clearly see that something is wrong with the drop rate. It’s dumb that only cloth players get a set item in a raid and be locked behinde some consumable that is not droping enough in the same raid.

the drop rates are the same.
the difference is in what’s required to purchase the reward, using the mats.

cloth caster gear is like 20+ cloth scraps + some mooncloths for a given reward, while a mail item is like 10 (or less) mail scraps but also requires both cured rugged hides and arcanite bars (both which are very expensive right now for this very reason).

at the end of the day, at least you can get your cloth scraps more easily by purchasing scrap boxes for tarnished reals, whereas a mail user MUST purchase (or craft) cured rugged hides and arcanite bars along with the mail scraps.

does it even out?
not exactly, but there are upsides and downsides to both problems.

i’m honestly not sure why blizzard made it work this way… its a bit dumb, but it is what it is.

its a simple supply/demand issue.
would you prefer to have cheap scraps and instead have to fork out 200-300g for the rugged hides and arcanite bars?

I would prefer to increase the drop rate of the cloth scraps.

If i knew that they will be so rare i would have bought them on week 1 when they were 1.5g each and not 28 gold each.

right, but if you increase the drop rate of cloth scraps, that would impact the drop rates of the other scraps by virtue of literally out-chancing the other types in terms of percentages, no?

doesn’t seem very fair from the perspective of non-clothies tbh.
why must they suffer a loss so you can gain?

living flame alliance current Price of full set (not counting ring as it cost the same):
CLoth set (mage) 114 cloth scraps, 23 mooncloth, 1 nexus crystal. 114x25+23x45+2=3887 gold
Leather set (rogue) 114 leather scraps, 42 cured rugged hides. 114x4+42x79=3774 gold

Cloth scraps are expencive because 3 classes need them. Other scraps need 1-2 classes (depend of faction) so they are more then enough. But still counting other mats cloth and leather sets cost almost same, plate and chain maybe a bit less but still not so big difference

your not locked. i mean id argue if you had c lue like many youd of bought them in weeks one when they were 3g each like i did. i dont even request scraps from guild bank because i had the foresight to get what i needed. i mean its like gold is hard to come in any sense. i can passively make 500g a week literally doing nothing but a few dungeons and raids.

I got enough gold to buy them all my characters.

I prefer to increase the drop rate in naxx, it will make me feel better to get what i need in the raid insted of farming gold and buy the leftovers from AH.

I would even say maybe they shouls put some traiding vendor that would exchange one type of scrap to another.

You can make almost 500 gold passively a week literally doing nothing (even few dungeons). Just level letherworking to 250 xD

i’m sure glad i bought 100+ cloth the first day of the patch for 200g :dracthyr_hehe_animated: