Nothing too serious yet, but i’ve noticed increased latency in both home and world for the past few days.
Went from 32-33 to 39-41 and im wondering if its me or the server.
Latency has remained the same for other games but for whatever reason, wow and google/google dns pings have increased, not sure if theres any correlation between those two.
I’ve noticed that increased latency also in retail in the last couple of weeks, where i’m normally 26ms and regularly seeing it at roughly the same 39-41 and it effects my spell casting. I’ve also noticed that some zones are more effected than others are, also the longer i play the more frequent it gets.
Havn’t tried Classic, but in remix it’s mostly fine to start, then it gradully gets worse the longer im on.
It’s actually been much worse for me tonight, latency being around 41-49 and seriously causing casting delays.
In remix it was really bad, many times by the time my spells actually cast the mobs were dead.
But it’s not just spellcasting, interacting with anything that needs server side vertifciation causes the lag and the ms to go up.
The longer i’m in game the worse it gets, until i exit and restart. Then it’s fine and back at 26 ms for a short while, but then starts to creep up again after a few minutes.