Increased rewards (%10) for horde activating Warmode should be reduced to %0

To created a little bit faction balance on Warmode on World PvP and the rewards for Alliance players should be increased at least to %330. But I am sure horde biased blizzard won’t do such thing.

There shouldn’t be a bonus, period

150% spare parts from daily & 25% bonus if your alliance, like dafuq

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Give me one reason why any Horde would be part of WM if it did not give anything in return WHILE the Alliance gets a huge bonus?

There is only 1 solution to save WM; Remove ALL the bonuses. Simple as that.

Because they were former PvP players from PvP servers. If you do something always for rewards in this game, then you are not playing a game but doing a job.

So why isn’t the Alliance participating unless they have a quest to do? Then suddenly they can outnumber any zone in game, even the Horde capital / docks.

Oh right, not enough rewards.

As I said earlier, remove any reward/bonus.

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For fun?

I myself don’t see the appeal, but I understand that some people find it enjoyable to participate in open world PvP.

But then the Horde wouldn’t have anyone to kill…

We Alliance need an extra carrot-on-a-stick, so you Hordies actually have targets to brutalize.

The whole point of the extra bonus is to entice more Alliance to switch WM on to balance the scales.

This works both ways, it’s a quirk of using Sharding. It’s most likely that someone formed a group/raid and shunted an extra 4-39 people into that shard, causing an imbalance. It happens pretty much every time a Battle for Nazjatar starts, one faction will get a surge of extra players and overpower the other.

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May it be they are out numbered by ‘‘normed’’ horde players?

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So do I, the long fights just to … fight.

What we see now is that groups of 5 appearing everywhere, do their quest and are gone before you can regroup and zerg them down. This has nothing to do with PvP nor causes fun for either side.

Fun (… can’t even give 'm payback) on one side and huge bonus on the other side…yea, great. That will save WM.

Many Hordes would not bother either. So what you have left is PvP minded players in WM, and that you can most likely balance much better.

Most of the quests involving PvP cannot be done in raid groups, so this is highly unlikely (nazjatar as exception, but that is not really a quest is it ^^).

And how does NOT participating ever make it better? Right…just ask for more rewards so you can temporarily turn WM on again and then turn it off when you no longer require it to prep for your pve content…

The alliance players no more activates WM on because when they do it, they are instantly outnumbered by ‘‘normed’’ horde players. Is it that hard to understand? Or do you want me repeat what I experienced today? I just went timeless isle WM on WITHOUT EXTRA REWARDS and WONT EVEN BE ABLE TURN WEEKLY TW QUEST BECAUSE I WAS OUTNUMBERED. Does this sounds you fun to play? If it does, I am glad to inform you that it is NOT FUN. Thanks for participate to the topic but you didn’t contribute nothing as a ‘‘normed’’ horde player.

Yea well, GL with the 0 vs 330% bonus. Even more if you really think that would fix anything.


Don’t tell it to me, blizz still thinks that would fix something. And look AND LAUGH all those horde players crying/moaning about %30 increased Alliance rewards.

I’ve never turned it off.

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You are just going to keep making the same thread over and over aren’t you?


Sorry for disturbing you. Please forgive me that I didn’t intended to do something wrong that will interrupt your attention warchief. It was just a mistake made by a terrible player, dumb person me are. I have just reached lvl 34 in your server so please add me and I can ask before I start a thread. With my 2 digit IQ, this is the best I can do, but I didn’t intended something bad. All heil Warchief! All heil pro-player Kebab! :slight_smile:

This is just kinda desperate tbh.
Remove rewards from WM.
Don’t wanna die to players? Don’t activate it.
I do pvp to kill players.
That’s my reward.
Being able to win, to conquer, to die.
Im already playing WoW to have fun no matter the type of content.

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