HAHAHAHA!!! that really made me LOL!
Are you hungry? here have another teaspoon of soup.
Thanks for the laugh xD
HAHAHAHA!!! that really made me LOL!
Are you hungry? here have another teaspoon of soup.
Thanks for the laugh xD
Sorry this is not enough to make me run this type of content.
I preferred it at just 35, now rare anima tokens don’t feel meaningful enough…
Yes, then we’ll be getting 40 instead of 35 per token.
Now they are twice as meaningful hehe. And in CN even 5 times.
But that would mean that gear too would be more meaningful if more dropped?? Nonsense
Gear will just clutter your wardrobe. It is not eco-friendly. Anima is for environmental purposes.
Ok cool, now on top can it work retroactively? I’d love to get 15k anima right now for all the M+ keys I did.
I mean, none of the comments here are directed at Kaivax personally.
But I think the playerbase has every right to express their dismay with this change. It is… poor.
They could have announced “we’re doing this today, and in 4 weeks there will be a PvE currency” and there would have been cheering in the streets. But this announcement alone makes it feel like “oh, this will shut them up”.
Really pathetic, and can you please just fix underperforming specs already and underperforming covenants while at it to, just look at the amount times each covenant is picked and fix it already, just cos you created balance hell does not mean i will be more tolerant.
This is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! man i was waiting for this i QUIT shadowlands but when i saw this post about buffs to anima drop i need to start playin again !!! amazing 105 anima per 10 dungeon and 1000 anima per weekly cleared raid ! blizzard i love you !
Another buff to something what is not even important right now
you have 2 years to collect stuff in this expansion
and they are increasing anima drop incredible decisions by blizzard once again
Not getting into +15 pugs because im not a rshaman is just stupid.
Ppl watch too much MDI, Thinking they need the same setup xd
Who really cares about anima? What the point of this useless currency!? This is the same as if you would increase polished charms drop from pet battles
Fix raid loot, fix PvE progress system, fix god awful PvP balance, fix plain dead specs, fix kite-meta in M+, fix DK’s pvp death strike (3k death strike vs 20k wog lol), instead of making these nice blue post farts … “we caaare and listen” lol.
how about no … game is not here u got all gear in 1 month and what later … later u will cry that u dont have what to do
So how is clearing the whole of CN and not getting a single upgrade for 2 weeks straight fun? It’s a grind.
Yeah , i know no one directs their anger to kai but
Should be a big shame to force only 1 people to do all the announcements etc
This is merely more spit to help me swallow down my disappointment of no loot.
well play higher difficulty … maybe someone in group will get item what u need … and pls show you main character … dont hide behind alt lvl 25
My solution to the low gear item level in very high keys -a 15 is high to me cos i suck but people doing 20’s are doing really high ones in my opinion - is to give them scaling item level up to the current max. What is that? 233 or something. But it comes at a price. Cant use it outside of M+. So you cant take that M+ earned gear and take it into castle or PVP.
I think it is pretty bad that people are now pushing beyond 20 and getting, what, 210? Seriously? To me 20 is insane. I did 12’s in BfA and that was nuts. I know where my limit is due to bad keybinding and choice of class. I am a healer and i use vuhdo. While others are able to use this class better than me. I cant.
titanforging was good for that … u had low chance to get better item so u had reason to play m+ and above +15 u had even more loot drop … so removing titan forging was big mistake