Increasing the debuff limit in Blizzard Party frames?

Hi everyone. I’ve been looking around and tested different things to see if I can fix this.

The issue presents itself mostly in M+ when its affixes like Grevious taking up a debuffslot, as standard Blizz Party shows 2 or 3(?) debuffs, which sometimes isnt enough.

An example is Kul’Tharok in Theater of pain on grevious weeks. Grevious takes up one slot almost all the time and Weaken soul takes one slot. Leaves no room for the DOT the boss applies and blizzUI doesnt prioritize this DOT for some reason.

I’ve tried this:

  1. /run function sp(f,i) tr=“TOPRIGHT”;f2=f.debuffFrames;s=f2[1]:GetWidth();f3=f2[i];f3:SetSize(s,s);f3:ClearAllPoints();if i>6 then f3:SetPoint(“BOTTOMRIGHT”,f2[i-3],tr,0,0) else f3:SetPoint(tr,f2[1],tr,-(s*(i-3)),0) end end

  2. /run function CBF(f,i) bf=CreateFrame(“Button”,f:GetName()…“Debuff”…i,f,“CompactDebuffTemplate”);bf.baseSize=22;bf:SetSize(f.buffFrames[1]:GetSize()) end;function mv(f) for i=4,12 do sp(f,i) end end

  3. /run function mv3(f) CompactUnitFrame_SetMaxDebuffs(f,12); if not f.debuffFrames[4] then for i=4,12 do CBF(f,i) end end mv(f) end;hooksecurefunc(“CompactUnitFrame_UpdateDebuffs”,function(f) if f:GetName():match("^Compact") then mv3(f) end end);

Which is from Cdew’s stream bio. His party frames shows a lot of debuffs, but it doesnt seem to work on my end.

I also tried this:
How to increase the amount of buffs/debuffs shown per row? - Guides / UI and Macro - World of Warcraft Forums (

but doesnt work.

Is there any way to easily fix this?

i see no reason to show more then dispellable debuffs

for arena i recommend the addon ‘‘BigDebuffs’’

The issue is that WEAKEN SOUL and the debuff SHADOW MEND for some reason is higher prioritized than a huge DOT from a boss. This DOT is unknown to me(which party member) when others less debuffs takes the slot.

Also: A good player needs to know what your team is dealing with.

you might want a weakaura for this priest stuff you wont have time to check every dot/slow in this fast meta

Clearly you dont understand. I dont want to be rude, but if you dont know or can help, dont respond to threads.

at least i tried

you might have to gain an “inner clock” then

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