Incredibly disappointed by Dragonflight professions

The points system is abysmal.
It was obvious from the start that weekly point handouts is the dead end.

Oh I mean it was obvious for sane people, sorry, I seem to forget who we’re talking about… every damn time…

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The entire crafting system is literaly a grindfest to keep people subbing and chasing a sparse few points each reset.

And thats aside from most people not really understanding what they were investing points in as it was a brand new system, thus making bad choices very negative when you do get a grasp on it.

Oh and dont get me started on the exploit users who got way ahead of everyone else before blizz capped it.

They need to give a reset option to the crafting system at minimum and a better catchup than super rare dragonshards of knowledge.


Agree with most of you. The trade system has SUCH potential but they screwed it up with two main things:

  1. NO catch-up system. Are they morons? Did they think everyone would play every single tradeskill they would want in the entire expansion from week 1? People don’t have that kind of time, or people may have been on vacation or busy when DF came out. So as you’ve all said, if you started 5-6 weeks late, you’re screwed and can’t compete with anyone. You’re basically playing a “clicker” - it’s not going to get you any gold.

  2. Crafting orders just don’t get used. They didn’t integrate it with the auction house, they stuck it in a separate building. They didn’t give any real incentive for putting in crafting orders in the first place, since most people will just rely on friends/guild. Then they crippled public orders by making it so you a) couldn’t ask the crafter to use their mats and b) couldn’t specify a quality. It’s a great system made utter garbage by Blizzard’s lack of understanding of psychology, the playerbase and how they actually PLAY the game.

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Oh yes. And the fact they let a bunch of people (goblins) use an exploit and then DID NOTHING when they belatedly shut the gate.

Basically - they wanted to make it more accessible and it’s become totally inaccessible. Yeah you can level up your profession and gradually get decent at it, but there’s a million people who are better than you already. It’s even more pointless than before.


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