Incredibly disappointed by Dragonflight professions

If you’re a new player and therefore behind the curve on skill points, professions basically don’t exist for you. You will never be able to make a profit on even basic crafts.

I understood the intent of the system was to stop a goblin from cornering the market but the irony is that crafting has never been LESS accessible.

In previous expansions, once you knew how to make a certain pot or enchant, you could potentially make a bit of profit on it. Now, even basic crafts are negative profit unless you have 150-200 skill points for resourcefulness as well as maxed tools costing >30k.

I feel like only the top-tier recipes should benefit from inspiration and resourcefulness to protect margins on basic crafts for casual crafters.

Alternatively, there needs to be an effective catch-up system for skill points. At the very least, crafters that are behind the curve should be able to do the weekly crafting quests multiple times per week until they’re caught-up. This won’t completely catch them up on all the missed dirt farming etc. but would at least help a bit!


I agree that this on the box cover feature of Dragonflight, seems so inaccessible to new players.

I believe it is by design to stop Goblins having every profession max out and owning the market. However it has been at the cost of everyone else.

There should definitely be some kind of catch up mechanism, even if it takes 2-3 weeks to catch up.


with exeption of fact that lack of catch up kinda sux , everythink else is kinda given if proffesion are supoust to be valit alternative to end game gearing with no stupid restriction on materials or limits like 1 proffesion item can be equip only

Too my understanding.
If you are behind on knowledge points. Drop chance for Dragon Shard of Knowledge is higher for you, so you can catch up to others.
If I remember right. It was speculation. So there is that.

The lack of seeing any public workorders, is a real bummer for me.
I think they should make all crafted gear, gems, and enchants workorder only. Not tradeble on AH.

honestly all you’d need to fix the profession system right now is to give people a catchup system that doesn’t rely on other people having to buy their goods because people who are behind are outcompeted by those who aren’t anyway so any catchup that still requires someone to choose them to craft a rank 3 craft over someone else who can make a rank 5 for the same (or maybe even less because of higher resourcefullness) mats will just be dead on arrival.

you can’t just give it away for free either, that makes sense, personally I would say make the weekly artisan rep quests that give you knowledge repeatable until you’ve caught up with every week that they have been available (after which they will revert back to being a weekly, until you miss a week).

This would also fix the fact that if you’re a late starter on professions, you are likely also severely behind on the artisan rep grind, which is another 45 gathering knowledge and 30 crafting knowledge.

My main isn’t suffering from it and I’m happy where he is right now but thats mostly cause I’ve been working on professions since I entered the isle on level 60 at launch, my alts however are different stories.


Tried alchemy however the gates and the lack of profit, literally materials being more expensive than end product is making it a waste of time, however the 2 hour flask is nice, flipping ah is easier to do and more gold faster.

Made a chunk of gold from BSing, mostly from resourcefulness procs on public orders though. Trying to do anything via trade is hilariously bad lol

I like how professions are however i do agree that there should be catchup of some sorts

im 50 points behind in mining & herbing on my new herber which ive played 3 times more but just because i hadn’t created him yet the first 6 weeks of the expansion its now just worse than my old farmer and it kinda sucks

Even if you are very advanced (350 skill points in total, R5 blue gear and 100 skill in leatherworking here) it’s still very hard to make headway because you just end up shouting in trade chat and it is hard to be heard. There has to be a better way of conducting this, surely? I’ve done quite a lot of crafts but, goldwise, I am still down for the effort.

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I’m probably only close to even or a profit due to saving or gaining 5-13(think that was max) searing alloy so an extra 15k ish ontop of the tip… that was the money at the time anyway. Possibly worth less now on the AH

I found LW to be extremly profitable but it req from you to got right specializaton and to be spamin Advertisment macr whenever you are in city

Yeah, I just feel there should be a better way than spamming the trade chat…some kind of advertising board. I’ve even advertised on Discords and on the Twisting Nether forum…it can be quite slow

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I have alchemy and herbalism just for that duration on my main character. It’s cheaper to sell herbs and buy phials and potions than make them myself.

My priest has enchanting with every point into disenchanting so I can use workorders with my mats for cheap and tailoring because why not.

Every other character has double gathering and is levelling through gathering. They make me the bulk of my gold. When one hits max level I pick another 60 alt drop all professions take mining/herbalism and level again.

That can’t have been the intention behind the system…

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Alchi can only make profit once you surpass the break even point. Which means you need to have pretty much all resourcefullness and inspiration talents specced for whatever you are going to craft.
You also need the flask/pot research proc for 2% inspiration, the incense for 2% inspiration and ofc all your tools need to be max level.
Then it’s infinite money. From there you can start optimizing the mats by bying them when someone lists large amounts for cheap so you can stack all their stacks right away.
But before you maxed out the talent trees it’s pointless.

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Ah yes, there is in fact currently absolutely no catchup at all for professions in the game. You’ll always be behind.

But don’t worry about mining & herbing, 1-star stuff sell for pretty much the same as 3-star stuff, and even if you max it out you’ll still only get 2-star stuff most of the time.

Me, I was already busy picking flowers and stones on the first day of the expansion. A herb that sells for 20 gold now got sold for 100 then, etc, and that’s why you should always do all your farming at the start of an expansion if you value your time spent doing it.

I kinda love how they made professions valid again, and the system is abit fun, but its impossible to really catch up. But if they do anything like they have done the previous expansions, there might come a catch-up system after the first real patch. Its kinda cool that you cant do everything yourself, like befor i used to have all profession on different alts, non really being very good for income- which is something thats still a bummer.

Take the neck recipie for a good example. It cost 400-500k on the ah, but people dont pay anythinbg at all to have it crafted. Or the primary stat gems which i focused on, you spend all that time and money on gear and knowlage, and people hardly pay for it at all. I also miss a function in the public workorder box to demand (not just write and hope for) a sertian quality. Then ofcourse you can shout for a crafter, but then the system is pretty useless again. It have potential, but need some good reworking.

I also got pretty disapointed back when they pretty much ruined the personal benefits from havinbg a proffesion sevral expansions ago. This could have been there opertunity to make proffesions a little more relevant

Guess you mean the BS belt socket, engineering glove enchants, tailor cloak chant and LW legs I believe? Forgot the ench one and was inscription something like better shoulder scribing? Added flavour. I did like that for sure!

I think they just want you to specialize hard in one single thing

I wonder whether what they actually should have done is cap the number of points you can have so it’s actually not possible to max everything.

You wouldn’t need a catch-up system but you would need a respec option.

That would actually be healthier because everyone would be focused on different stuff and you couldn’t have a situation where a 300 skill point crafter can craft everything better than everyone else on their server.

The other MAJOR weakness of this system is public work orders. Nobody uses them because you can’t set a min quality.

Linked to that, they need to find a way to make the crafting materials scale in price properly with their level. It’s not uncommon to see tier 2 mats cheaper than tier 1. Because of this, there’s no reason for someone to think “ah well I’ll just make a cheaper public order for a tier 2 or 3 item to save myself some gold” (and that would be a craft that a newer crafter that can’t do t5 might be willing to do) - you won’t save any gold!

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The system is fine in concept for a first iteration. Obviously there are pain points though:

  • Catch up mechanics need to be improved;
  • Better trading system - shouting into the dark that is trade chat is not fulfilling - some kind of in-game board to advertise on would be nice;

The system is vastly better than previous iterations and is a step in the right direction, but just needs refining a bit.

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