Ingame calendar boost selling?!?

How do i report this??? What in the world? this showed up in my ingame calendar…

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blizz ban these plz and add report button in calendar

You can report unwanted calendar invites by right clicking the invite in your calendar. There you will see the report player option.


Yep … they’re annoying aren’t they? Blizzard were apparently working on something that might block them: but so far nothing seems to have come of it.

To report them you have to exit that screen, and on the main calendar month-view screen, right click on the event and choose the report option. I don’t think it matters greatly which option you choose, because (a) I’m not sure they ever get dealt with and (b) they’re usually sent by level 1 characters that are probably deleted afterwards.

In theory once you’ve reported it, it should disappear from your calendar … but either there is sometimes a bit of a lag before it happens, or you need to report a couple of times for it to be removed.

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This has been a problem for a very very long time, and sadly Blizzard don’t seem to be able to get a grip on it, as for every banned account, 2 more spring up…