Initializing... please wait

My battlenet updater, just will not move on from Initializing… please wait.

Anyone else having this issue ? guessing its the phase 3 patch for SoD.
Just a bit anoying, since i had some spare time to play.

Same issue here… waiting like 20 minutes for the small update… 20 00 raid start… not fun blizz!

My download speed is like 15KB/s with 600 Mb/s internet speed. Seriously Blizz?

Ruined my entrie evening and my guild lost 30 minutes finding replacements for me.
How is this even possible? I wait 1:20h and its still going. :frowning:

Let me join the line of players, with that issue.
67mb remaining, Estimated time left is 2 hours 32 mins.

same thing here… i ended up cant playing and my guild waiting like 1 hour for me… now they go without me

I have the same problem and have already tried several things. All without success so I guess it’s Blizz. Maybe the servers are overloaded just before P3.

same thing

still stock on “Intializing… please wait” for 3 hours or so.
I tried uninstalling and download it and reinstall. no difference, still can’t update/play.
Tried running as Admin, checked driver updates are up to date, internet connection is fine for everything else, even tried turning off the firewall.
Nothing helps.
@Blizzard can you share some info, on why many of us can’t update and play the game we subscribe for ?

Just tried updating retail wow (dont play it)
Starts up right away.
Tried Classic again, nothing. just stays dead on “Initializing… please wait”
So must be a problem somewhere in or classic part of wow.

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Soo… Blizzard just ignores this problem or?

looks like it… im looking around trying to find answers but nothing from blizz… suprise suprise…

Workaround which works for me.

  • Go to your wow installation and start the Wow.exe manually.
  • Close the game without logging in.
  • Now you have some seconds to tab back to your battlenet launcher. The play button should be blue and you can start the game from battle net. If you take to long the download might start again, just repeat.

If anyone needs it - this is the only solution that worked for me: Resetting the WMI Repository:

1. Press **Windows+Q** and type **cmd** into the search bar that pops up.
2. Right-click on **Command Prompt** and select **Run as Administrator**
3. Type **net stop winmgmt** into the command prompt and press enter.
4. When prompted if you wish to continue, type **Y** and press enter.
5. Type **winmgmt /resetrepository** into the command prompt and press enter.
6. Restart your computer to pick up the changes

For 4 days i’ve been struggling to find a solution to Agent.exe constantly crashing on task manager and wow being stuck on initializing please wait brother you just saved me

Thank you so much this worked for me

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