Hello there !
I’m experiencing significant input lag in World of Warcraft, where my actions (such as typing in chat or using abilities, sitting on a chair and pretty much everything) have a noticeable delay before going off, around 0.3 seconds. This issue did not exist a year ago, and I confirmed it by checking an old recorded video where my inputs were instant.
The problem occurs only in WoW—other online games have no such delay.
I tested everything that i could have to fix the delay. Disabled some windows security features, turned v-sync off, addons, graphics, each parameter in the settings checked and unchecked. Tried Exitlag paid version which didn’t work either, same for Nordvpn and Cloudflare. I tested on two different ISPs and 3 different computers. Did all the DNS flush and what not. Tested through Wifi and Ethernet. Uninstalled Battlenet and wow multiple times. Launched them in admin only. Updated all possible drivers including GPU. Followed all the tech support articles that already exist from Blizzard. Reset settings multiple times. Put wow in firewall exclusion along with Battlenet.
But in vain. Of course it goes without saying that I already contacted the customer support but they redirected me here as they don’t have, I presume, the solution. The issue persists on all versions of the game although I have absolutely no issue with my network on any other game and had none also on this till I cameback recently. The weird thing is the world and home ping is stable around 63 which I always worked with.
Just for information, I live in Morocco but I never experienced any kind of issues with Video Games servers in EU. Therefore I am completely out of solutions and fixes and can only be brought to think it’s an issue from Blizzards side.
Does anybody experience the same ? Have you got any fix in mind or do I have to simply wait and hope one day the lag input will be gone ?