Insane server lag

Help me understand why blizzard’s servers cant handle many ppl in a zone.

Is it too expensive having that capacity?

It’s kinda ironic that an expansion that focuses on world pvp, has severe problems with server lag. For example the lag in the Battle of Nazjatar, makes it unplayable…

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Player 1 does Action 1.

Server; Alright it’s time to calculate what these 4 azerite essences do and how they should proc, then I will calculate how each and every azerite armor effect applies on this player, then I will calculate the player’s corruption and if they need proccing, if they proc then I will calculate what % of proc they have, and then I will calculate if the negative corruption needs proccing, ah right so now I have to calculate what damage the player will do between these numbers and then decide if his critical % has proc’d a critical hit on any of the previously mentioned calculations, oh I almost forgot about trinkets I have to calculate if these will proc or not if the player uses them and if their proc will crit or not


For me this week i’ve got 3517ms in total at darnassus.

Only because all my town use netflix and the town don’t get yet optic fiber network. And it’s amplified with Covid-19.

So i couldn’t play WoW all my last week-end (and surely the next week-end too.

Beauty in simplicity. This is what we need to reduce lag.

It is not expensive… Their team doesn’t want to expand the capacity of servers… They need to troubleshoot if the servers capacity is the issue or if it is network bandwidth/routing/firewalls etc. issue.

I had the first week high latency issues.But some problems as Rymi points cant be fixed by just adding more server power.The engine is stretched thin as it is,too many calculations need to be done considering our characters that the engine/server cant handle it.So we will basically see less rng next expansion on gear/talents.

Sorry to hear that. But to be fair to Blizzard, that sounds like network lag, rather than the server lag Spacegoatx is talking about. Network lag is outside Blizzard’s control.

And in answer to the original question, I’ll link Preach’s video about server lag again, though Rymi gave a great summary of it.

It doesn’t matter how powerful you make your servers, inefficient software and inefficient design can always bring them to a crawl.

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