Inscription page improvements

A picture would be worth a thousand words now but you gotta make it so hard.

The ink+ milling tab is a mess even if you favorite them, you don’t know how many herb stacks you have that can be milled unless you check inside the drop icon box.
And then the expansion drop menu navigation.

Just have all 10 expansions as power bars on top of the page, 5 under 5.
You instantly see the name of the expansion first classic - panda and wod - df below it, with the skill number 1/300 1/75 1/100 in the bar.
You click a bar to gain a highlight frame on it, which opens that expansions page,
just like the current drop-drop menu BUT ACTUALLY PRACTICAL and ten times faster.

Then the milling page is just 1 for all.
Every expansion is on the same page. No drop select menu.
Just horisontal rows, all icons gray if empty, colored if more than 0, click to select pops up bright highlight frame, click mill /all at bottom.
No need to browse anything. All of the 10 expansion rows fit in 1 page, letting players see EVERY HERB icon from every expansion in 1 view, and access milling them.

That is how you do it.
Now get to work.

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