Inscription rework idea

Not sure what everyone thinks about Inscription, but I think it needs a rework. The profession started with a lot of flavor thanks to the glyph system and the cosmetic take on them. Now, it’s boring, with not many glyphs to actually make a difference, and it lacks fantasy.
What I would like to see coming in TWW is a revamp of the scribe profession and the fantasy behind it.
We have an awesome scroll animation with Scroll of Town Portal that could be used as a base for some scroll mechanics within the profession.

Here are a few things I’d like to see:

Return of Buff Scrolls - Scrolls that imitate class-specific buffs (Mark of the Wild, PW: Fortitude, Arcane Brilliance, etc.), not instant cast but need a casting time (as you are reading the spell from the scroll).

Cyclonic Chronicles - The item from Revendreth had a great visual. Give it as a consumable to Inscriptionists (Cyclonic Chronicles prevents up to 500 damage per hit. 50 stacks; lose 1 stack per hit. Lasts 30 min.). If not, at least as a toy.

Scroll of Battle Ress - Engineers can resurrect characters, and Inscription could do it too with a Scroll of Battle Ress. No instant cast but needs casting time (as you are reading the spell from the scroll). Also, a longer CD than the original spell.

Scroll of Blasting - Works in a similar way as engineering bombs. You read the spell (ideally you have different schools for different schools of magic, or if you want to theme it around TWW, you got Nature damage for Earthen (lightning), Radiant damage for Arathi, Void/Cosmic (Nerubian)) and you launch the spell from the scroll, which disappears upon use. Make it castable so it can also be used for RP, etc.

Throw Tome - If the above is not workable, how about literally throwing a tome at someone?

Scroll of Voyage - similar to the Vulpera Caravan, you drop one scroll on the floor somewhere, and if you drop another scroll in another location, you can be teleported between the two.

Magic Staves - Considering we can already make staves weapon, give us more. Pretty much like Mystogan from Fairy Tail, a staff with some powers that breaks once you reach 0 charges. The better quality, the more charges. Casting animation similar to the one used by Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle. Maybe this could be a stronger and more powerful version, maybe an AOE of the Scroll of Blasting.

These are just examples, but they bring much more to life the fantasy idea of a Scribe, and that’s what I would like to see from this profession. Obviously, I want more glyphs, but I’m mostly talking about consumables and more crafting to train the profession and make it more fun and useful.


Mate I love your ideas! I have 100% inscription in all expansions but don’t find it very funny nor usefull.

BR scroll would be a great help!

Agree! I am missing only techniques, one Pandaria Weekly (Madam Goya) and one Dungeon World Quest (the Rat in Arcway) those just refuse to show off for months now. But I quite enjoyed collecting all things all the way up to Rank 3. Also making glyphs and few weapons. In DF, making manuscripts made me a lot of gold, but it needs some changes, need some love. They could do so much more with this profession.

Sadly, according to the things we know so far, we won’t recive some big changes in TWW.

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