Insisting Paladins to not have a taunt, why blizzard doesn't want paladins to tank

Only reason in classic that paladins to not tank was becuase there is no taunt, so I got into beta and quess what? paladins still don’t have taunt. I can almost hear you all no they have Avenger’s Shield they can taunt not 1 but 3 target… this is not ptr that streamers shown you people. There is no taunt written in avenger’s shield. It might cause high threat but it is not a taunt! There is only taunt mechanic which is called Rightous Defence and it is not cast on mobs but to a friendly unit to taunt off the mobs on that person.
I don’t understand the logic behind no taunt on paladins but it seems blizzard doesn’t want to change their mistakes they have done 15 years ago. even they put taunt on Avenger’s Shield even rank1 cost 500mana and it takes 1 sec cast so that means if u tanking 2+mobs you can’t cast it before 3-4 seconds on a mob… and 615mana for rank 2 avenger’s shield? imagine warrior taunt was 30 rage… come on.
btw why would I want my Avenger’s Shield to slow targets, it is the most stupid thing ever! I mean I slow down 3 targets until they come to me casters/healer already gets agroo off me, there is no logic there… if you wanted to give paladins a slow mechanic it should be Hammer of Wrath so we can use it on pvp or running away mobs…
ahh btw warriors has 10sec cd on taunt and challenging shout has 10min cd with cost of 2 rage… again Righoutous Defence has 15sec cd.
I am not even talking about mana cost of everything. You need to sit and drink after every single pull, I mean it!I have T2.5 gear with some tanking trinkets neck etc. lvl 62 now. I got 4k mana so lets break it down. lets say you pull with avenger’s shiled rank 2: 615mana,Consecretion rank5: 505mana lets say u down it to rank 1 after 8sec:120mana Holy shield Rank 3: 215 mana, downed to rank 1: 135mana, Seal of Rightous 176mana, Judgement 73mana… already half of your mana… you need to keep your seal of righous up you need to judge on cd, then again holy shield+consecration to keep the agroo… seems blizzard doesn’t want paladins to tank in tbc too…

/cast [target=targettarget] Righteous Defense

Mana cost is high but thats why you have mana income from getting healed, blessing of wisdom, mana spring / tide totem, judgement of wisdom, seal of wisdome, mana potion, dark / demonic runes, and vamperic touch mana regen from shadow priest.


Can I also say paragraphs are your friend.


Even with all the stufs you mentioned Paladins are the best tanks for TBC 5 men and most of the raids are just too much pain to do with out Paladin as off tank


Paladins do have a taunt,mana is also not an issue since paladins get mana back when they get healed.Also can you for the love of s space out your wall of text.

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I don’t know what you are talking about. A Rightous Defence macro that targets your target’s target just becomes a 3 mob taunt. I’ts kinda nice. Ye you are gonna drink alot. If that’s unacceptable well you know where to find retail. Paladins are dope in tbc idk why you are complaining.

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I think OP is trolling. Quite subtle though.

That’s because tankadins are built to be primarily AoE tanks. If your caster ends up aggroing an entire pack with a Flamestrike or Seed of Corruption, Righteous Defense allows you to taunt all mobs at once instead of just one - the warrior, in the same situation, would need to use Challenging Shout. And CS, as you mentioned, has a 10 min CD, not 15 seconds. Plus Righteous Defense still works like a single-target taunt against lone enemies (like bosses), provided you use the macro other ppl mentioned in this thread.

Yes, there’re situations where you’d rather have a single-target taunt instead. But there’re also situations where the Warrior wishes he had Righteous Defense. You’re not supposed to be able to do everything well - this is not BFA or Shadowlands.

Yes you do have to downrank unless you’re tanking in raids where you take a buttload of dmg (Hyjal waves, maintanking bosses etc). If you do so, then each pull costs you around 1200-1500 mana - minus whatever you get back from Spiritual Attunement. Yes you’ll still need to drink every now and then but not “every pull” unless you’re doing it wrong - and, considering tankadins fit generally in caster parties for heroics, that’s fine because your party needs to drink too every now and then. If you want to chainpull, hardcore-style, you’ll need potions yes. But the upside is that, with potions and such, you can cleave through the dungeon much faster than a warrior or druid would. Oh, and you can resurrect party members at any point, which is pretty invaluable as a tank and allows you to run a Resto Druid as a healer without drawback - which, incidentally, is an excellent choice for speedruns due to HoTs and high sustainability.

I guess that’s why everybody and their mother wanted tankadins in their dungeons, 10m and 25m raids

Paladins will end up being the best at threat both single target and multi target.

  • Ya’ll better get used to seal twist a lot - you want that dot up, twist to “insert best damage seal” and twist back before dot seal runs out. The draw back off the paladins really is the rollercoaster damage they take. Sadly their gear mostly focus on Block and well, Block is nice in T4, not nice from T5 onwards. You’ll be replacing that whenever you can with dodge/parry.
    Granted, I would not have a paladin MT on a fight with lots of adds, but then I favor fluid MT/OT roles where appropriate so… There’s that. Everyone gets a slice of the cake.

Druids on the other hand, not as great threat as a paladin, but man their smooth damage in take more than makes up for that.

Warriors are left utterly in the dust come T5. They don’t have the consistent damage taken and threat of Druids and they lack AoE tanking… 11/10 Warriors shone bright in Classic. Not so much in TBC.

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