Insomnia - Frostwhisper 12/12 HC Nya'lotha

We recently transferred our guild here,We are looking for players (See roles below) to complete our roster for Mythic Progression in Nya’lotha. For more info contact us.

Who Are We:

We are a Semi-Hardcore 3-day raiding guild. The guild was formed with Experienced Mythic raiders/veterans and Cutting Edge players. Our aim is to get ‘Ahead of the Curve’ asap in each new tier so that we can start progressing Mythic as soon as it releases.

What can we offer:

***** A raid team that wants to clear content on all difficulties smoothly.
***** A Non-toxic environment with friendly laughs and banter.
***** A group of skilled players that like to raid learn, grow and enjoy the game as a team.
***** A good raiding environment to chill and relax with (NON-toxic) behavior.
***** We offer feast, Flasks, Vantus runes!!(However come prepared!!)


deathknight (dd) high
demon hunter (dd) high
hunter low
mage medium
monk (dd) low
monk (tank) high
paladin (protection) low
paladin (retribution) high
priest (dd) medium
warlock (affliction) high
warlock (destruction) high
warrior (dd) high


We currently raid 2 nights a week:

  • Thursday 21:00-00:00 ST
  • Monday 21:00-00:00 ST
  • Tuesday 21:00-00:00 ST

    What we expect from you:

***** Attendance above all. Raiders must be able to show up to All our raid nights each week. Absences are always acceptable as long as we are informed in advance.(Discord)

***** A certain level of knowledge. We expect raiders to have an above average understanding of their class, as well as to know boss encounters PRIOR to the raid.

***** Good performance. No progression raider wants to feel held down; we expect you to actively seek to improve if needed.

***** Come prepared to raids with consumables, enchants and knowledge about boss fights.

***** A good computer with a stable internet connection AND a working microphone.

***** We take our progression seriously just like any other raiding guild, however we also want to maintain our relaxed and enjoyable raiding environment whilst we progress.

Recruitment Contacts:

GuildMaster: Rampage#2104 (Ranged DPS)

  • topanik#2144 (Healer)
  • kuraishade#2979 (Healer)
  • Pnaabs#21973 (Healer)
  • Niyco#2196 (Tank)

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