Inspiration bug and Visual Inconsistency

So you are given a skill requirement of let’s say 375. That means, in order to craft rank 5 equipment, you’ll need to reach 375 crafting skill or higher. For high-end gear, being guaranteed to make rank 5 gear without [Illustrious Insight], is just not possible. This is where inspiration comes in.

Inspiration is a certain percentage chance of adding a fixed amount of crafting skill to your craft, allowing you to pass the skill requirement to craft rank 5 items and gear.

Here’s where the bug comes in. The inspiration proc will not take you higher than one rank-up, even if the remaining points should have been enough for a second rank-up, after the first rank-up the remaining bonus skill points are significantly reduced. I had 291 points, the inspiration proc grants me 89 points, that is 380 points which is higher than the 375 skill requirement. It goes without question that I should have crafted a rank 5 item with inspiration, that was the case 4 weeks ago and there’s no description under inspiration that says it’s any different now. The thing is, 291 is just below rank 4, so after the first 9 points from inspiration proc would grant me rank 4, the remaining 80 points would be halved down to 40 points.

As for the visual inconsistencies, this one is a real pain in my butt. The skill requirement fluctuates like crazy. I will craft an item for a person, that item initially showed 375 skill requirement, suddenly it shows 400 on the next recraft, then 390 on the next recraft, then 425 on the next recraft. This is without any added missives or embellishments. Why do I call this a visual inconsistency? Because it doesn’t actually affect your craft, it might show 425, but you are still crafting an item of 375 skill requirement. Then what’s the issue? The issue is…

    1. You cannot tell whether or not you have what it takes to craft the item, unless you knew the initial skill requirement of the item you are crafting.
    1. If someone sends a crafting order to you, requesting minimum rank 4 for the sake of not getting scammed, the item will not appear as minimum rank 4 because of the visual inconsistencies. The item will always be crafted as minimum rank 4, but you cannot accept the work order unless it visually shows it. So you have to convince the buyer to reduce the crating order to minimum rank 3, and then assure them it’ll be minimum rank 4. “Trust me bro! What, you don’t trust me bro? Are you going to a different crafter bro? Brooo…” Good luck with that.
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