There is no such thing as you cant play m+ because of tier.
Yes there are groups asking for it.
But many groups also operated fine without said requirements.
And 9/10 groups asking for tier were actually the higher pushing groups. Which are mostly based out of people who are raiding / collecting tier and are looking for every 0.1% improvement.
The average player doesnt make use of that minor increase a tier bonus might bring.
Since they wont play the class or rotation flawless for 35 minutes straight.
That is already a month faster than not getting tier at all because you only play m+.
Which was an issue years ago, which led to the removal of tier sets at some point (i believe) because of public outcry because:
Hurrdurr i cant raid but i want tier sets.
Guess what: you can get tier sets nowadays if you dont have time to raid.
Not sure how to respond to the fair bit, because the guys you are talking about spend an awful lot more time in the game for tier sets and m+ work than you are able to.
So is it fair to diminish more time spent by others to gain the same reward to also give to you without any proper effort put into it?
Since you can basically make any ilvl from m+ dungeons into tier.
You dont need a roster of people to play on set times to raid, you just hop into lfg and click apply to group.
Your tier creation doesnt require any effort from you other than going to the forge and making it.
Because the materials will be widespread, the charges charge even if you are unsubbed or arent even bothered with it.
But i guess thats the time we live in nowadays, everyone wants to be equal without doing the same amount of work or putting in the effort.
So answer that; is it fair you can get tier instantly or with less effort than the people spending time to organize raids / recruit people and run a raiding group/guild + find the time to actually play with each other on a regular basis?