Instantly disconnected when logging in to one specific character

I was playing normally with my character, when suddenly, the map changed (maybe I fell through the floor) and suddenly disconnected me from the server, giving me the error 51900319. I can log in to my other characters, but not that specific character. Tried all the troubleshooting steps on the article Character Stuck - Disconnected When Logging In, but nothing works. And now I have a 4 hour wait to unstuck my character again. Could you help me please? If it helps, when I log in my character is mounted, in the air, and has the dungeon finder running.

If you tried the unstuck service and it didn’t work then you will probably need to open a ticket to get your character moved.

Make sure you say that you tried the unstuck and it didn’t work or they will just tell you to do that.

I tried sending a ticket, but instead of letting me write the actual ticket it only links me to the Unstuck Character Service over and over. I can try again in one hour, but I doubt it’ll help.

Update: Tried the unstuck thingy againd and this time it worked. I don’t know why it didn’t work the first time but eh, whatever.

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