Instrument Weapons: Cosmetic 🎸

:guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet: :guitar: :trumpet:

I just saw and item today that you can still get from the Darkmoon Fair, a metal guitar with a on-use effect to jam 0.0

I also saw a very… unique looking guitar on the BMAH.

I also saw there is a toy that i think is un-obtainable.

My point is, moar cosmetic transmoggable or usable instruments would be awesome!

On RP realms it would be great! Or even when a group is forming.

I saw Shadowlands is going to have a harp thing which is going to be a bard RP’ers orga… bread and butter.

We need options xD


Instruments in other games have always been cool to me. Especially with systems where you can manually play songs yourself with a keyboard - LOTRO I think had one, possibly FFIXVYZ? (I can’t remember the numerals, ok?) and there are some really talented people out there that can make songs… with a keyboard. :scream:


As you said, there are quite a few weapon mogs with instrument looks already.

However, both sun lute of the phoenix king & the arcanite ripper are locked behind quite the paywall

I dont even know where these two axes are from, are they TCG originally?


Real instruments in games are so much fun and bring nice athmosphere in game world. Gw2 got many instruments and it’s always so nice to run into someone playing songs at the city - there is even bands that play together and have concerts in open world. Instrument playing is also used in mini games in events like Wintersday events Bell Choir Ensemble minigame where you play songs in harmony with other minigame players. Lots of fun for those relaxed moments in game.


Allods Online had an instrument for each race. It was a skill I think, obtained during that race’s yearly event. But the main point was that when you play all instruments at once, it actually becomes a track, and instruments are synchronized well, and all that. But the interesting part was that… the track was split between the two factions, so in order to hear it, you had to play it together with a faction you can’t communicate. It created some awesome events.

And like, Orcs had drums, the arisen (undead mechs) had a bass guitar, the kommunist kataganians had a trumpet, the elves had an electric guitar, etc. It was pretty sweet. Each instrument sounded good on its own and the more you gathered the cooler it became.

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In the heart of this rough exterior lives the soul of a sensitive violinist. A beautiful flower that just wishes to bloom in the moonlight of Orgrimmar.

Alas, this peacock will never be allowed to spread his wings and fly.

Give bard class/profession


They have a multiboxer in FF14 that performs concerts… it’s very cool :slight_smile:

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thats pretty cool 0.0

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Want a game with cool-looking battle instruments? Check out Monster Hunter.


Just imagining a TG warrior dual wielding two cellos now tbh. I support this.

It’s not easy being orangeish :3

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