Intel 14900K vs AMD 7800X3D

Which CPU is better for WoW? I will combine it with RTX 4090.

7800X3D, also the fastest gaming CPU on average + it’s using like half the wattage of the Intels :muscle::grin:

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I am somehow hesitant to go with 7800X3D due to its clock speed. It is lower than the 14900K.

Just look at the benchmarks, the X3D beats the Intel more times than not.
Also like i said, it’s MUCH more energy efficient and in many games the extra Cache is a big win, like in WoW.

The Intel 14k series is a joke tbh, basically same speed as the 13k ±2% and needs even more power lol :slight_smile:
If you wanna go Intel, get a 13K and save money to put it into the GPU or whatever.

Just look at this video:

7800x3d is better for WoW.
Intel 14 gen is not good becouse is dead platform, next year coming new generations and u will need new motherboard if u want 15900k, and if go with 7800x3d, u can replace it anytime when 8800x3d come without changing your motherboard. Names can be different just examples.

Thank you guys for the helpful comments. I placed an order to buy AMD 7800X3D and RTX 4090. helpfull build guide.

Dunno where you got your information from!..
I`m running the 13 gen i7 with a 4080 rtx and running WoW on maxed out settings with 300-400+ fps on 4k…
Rainbow Six Vulkan - 4k maxed out = CPU 20% - GPU 35% ish…
I have spoken to a few people that changed from AMD because of the AMD indrenaling over heating and causing burn outs…
I would be careful…
PS: I do apologise about using my classic character on the forums, some reason it wont allow me to change it…

Are you talking about Classic WoW and not Retail?
There is no way you are getting 300-400 maxed out… not even with lower settings.
4090 owner here calling BS :slight_smile:
You will be very much CPU-limited long before you get even close to those numbers, especially with RT shadows on.

Here’s some proof:

This is a rather light testing scenario compared to a zone event or raid but you can still see that the CPU-Limit is very real, even worse with RT on.

I can confirm that, setting RT shadows to high drops my FPS and also drops my GPU load, cause the CPU is limiting even more and feeding the GPU even less so… kinda ironic isn’t it? :smiley:

I’m on a 5800X3D so basically on par or even slightly better than a 13K.
Standing in the new zone hub i can’t even hold 140 FPS in 1440P on 10, without RT.
With RT high i’m at a measly 100 FPS.
The only way to load my GPU is to increase resolution.

I really would like so see a good frame generation implementation for WoW, that would help alot in a CPU bound game like that.

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