Hello. I´m not sure if this is the right place to ask but anyways: about the wow classic min requirements, it says metal capable GPU with 1gb vram. It also says under memory it requires 4gb ram if it have an intel integraded card. Does this means my 2011 Macbook Pro with Intel HD 3000 graphics can run wow classic? The MB Pro has 8gb of ddr3 ram.
Couldnt find any good information about it on google.
Intel HD 3000 does not support the Apple Metal framework, but it does support OpenGL. As it stands, while you may not get great FPS, the 2011 Macbook Pro should definitely be able to run WoW Classic. Intel HD 570 is the minimum.
Actually, it cant run WoW Classic. Was finally going to try it today. After the download i hit run, and i get an error saying: “Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support.”
So it turn out i need a metal gpu after all, so no Intel HD cards on macbook works 
this happened to me too. isn’t there any way around it? like I just want to play wow vanilla but because of the new expansion BOA we can’t even do that… Blizzard needs to figure out a way for returning players with older machines to still play…
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No, not really. They can’t keep supporting older machines forever.