We all love a good tournament, the rivalries, the upsets and the champions even when hardly anyone was rooting for them in the beginning and became the underdog. I -thrive- on these server-wide events but always feel that there’s a good market for the underhand, the bloody and gore-filled inevitability of terrifying odds - so I make this thread to see where the realm lies on the idea!
By bloodsports I mean similar kinds of tournament arrangements but instead of perhaps first to three hits, it’s first to near dismemberment? First to knock-out? Perhaps stakes on the line, hosted by not a representative of a nation but a third party that’s very fast and loose about the health and safety.
I myself am a little biased toward a bit more chaos and calamity, that’s just my jam and itch to scratch but I am tempted to host/organise something a little more on edge for entertainment, raise the stakes and all but I am well aware people are attached to their characters (as am I!) but not seeking character death every round. I don’t think that’d garner much interest.
A bit of maiming, blood loss and potentially rivals to make for the ages is what I’m wanting to garner here - is there a market, or perhaps just a fluke of an idea. Let me know!
Also - if there are any who are skilled in organising large-scale events like these, get in touch. Very happy to shoot back and forths.
Thank you for the show of support! Naturally there’ll be nothing going on for the launch of the new expansion but once the dust settles and people get their grooves, I’ll start cooking something up and will happily reach out to all three of you for insights!
Definitely feeling a strong Horde bias to this as Goresong points out (what a name btw) but the joys of cheap tongues potions and general cross-faction ease of access these days we’ll get some blue fellas in amongst it!
(no cops or do-gooders)
Edit 14/4: Should’ve put this in the last reply but I’ll throw my discord out in the wild and get a group DM going on to see where things lay out and plan dates in the near-future for this little romp.
Add dawnpeep on Discord as i’m a bit sporadic on activity in-game due to nightshift life being a brunt.