I just wanted to test the waters with this brainfart that I had. Pretty barebones right now, if there’s any interest I’d flesh it out a bit more!
The group would have interests in treasure/relic/artifact hunting, archaeology or just learning about stuff and go on adventures in Azeroth and perhaps be affiliated with the Explorer’s League or Reliquary
There would be ‘dndesque’ elements in that some kind of /roll and/or stat system (but really, really, really, simplified) would be used and characters would progress, over time, through adventures, from being relatively inexperienced novices to being slightly more adept…
The emphasis would be on events every couple of weeks or so rather than day-to-day casual RP. This would mean the time commitment (apart from participating in an event every couple of weeks or so) wouldn’t be massive.
The guild would have a policy where any character who is in it agrees that their character is killable (I reckon this would spice up the RP and introduce a bit of jeopardy…) if the character dies, they have to reroll! (can just change the TRP rather than have a completely new char)
With these two above points, it would probably be more a home for alts rather than a guild for ‘main’ RP characters. However the expectation would be although they are not main characters, the player would still be committed to the project.
Quality over quantity - only need a few, dedicated people
Would be keen to hear people’s thoughts
Seeing as I’ve had a few people express an interest I thought I’d spend a bit of time fleshing it out a bit more. Seeing as this group will exist in a bubble, I’m thinking of setting the campaign shortly before the events of Reign of Chaos because I think it was a simpler time then in terms of lore (and I feel nostalgic)
I’ve put something together for the first adventure (anyone who has played DnD will probably see it a shamelessly tweaked version of quite a well known pre-existing one!)
I don’t usually have a lot of time for RP/WoW and I miss playing DnD so something that’s sounding pretty casual like this is absolutely great. I would be very interested in this.
Seems like fun to me. Accessible to many that might be interested and managable if the rules are kept simple. I’d want to try.
I’d rather see things done in such a way that the basic character written for these stories is the custom profile itself to be adjusted, amended and deleted according to circumstance while the player character ingame is the same as a model stand-in for what they’re representing.
That way, Gorion the Gnome (AD) can be used to represent any number of gnomes over any number of campaigns because his model and original character is functionally a dressup doll for the D&Ding like reusing a plastic mini to represent different people on tabletop.
Also, rather than a guild, it could be a community as it lets people stay in their old guilds while keeping in touch and planning in a shared chat.
Thank you both for your feedback! It is nice to know others are interested… feel free to add me on discord stevo#4510 or btag Linus#22470. Still early days on this (not really fleshed it out beyond the initial post) so would need to think about how to adapt/simplifying DnD to an ingame setting.
also, i agree about a cross realm community rather than a guild
The main issue with this is getting people to agree and conform to the aforementioned rules. I suspect you could get a group / guild together who would be keen, it’s a very interesting concept, but you’ll need to come up with some viable method of interacting with other Rp’ers who don’t ascribe to this DnD playstyle.
I wish you luck all the same! Seems very interesting and has potential.
I enjoy using a lightweight roll system in my RPs. It really does add a level of unpredictability that force you to react and adopt to it.
… even if the mage you hired to help you traverse the nether to save your kidnapped friend who had been taken by a demon rolled a critical fail while using fel magic, causing their soul to self immolate, blow up half the building and further traumatize the young adventurer in their party as they see more and more people be killed and hurt despite their bestest of attention to help.
Oh, the fun. After years of using only emotes, they can really freshen things up… and potentially and completely derail your original storyline.