šŸ•Æ [Interest Check] [Light-RP] Hand of the Virtuous

Do those exist though? Oftentimes they seem the zealotry inclined sort, arguably incompatible with the more orthodox angle of the faith to any degree above ā€œtoleratedā€.

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Thereā€™s a wide variety of guilds/individuals in the Light scene that provide different levels of zealotry. Compromise is also an option.

I think if the OPā€™s concept doesnā€™t elevate demon hunters and death knights to patron saints in the Church, I think theyā€™ll get along with pretty much everyone.



Firstly, OwO


2 - And yes, we need some non-zealot light rp. Not that I donā€™t like zealots. They are very cool, but the Light is good too, you know? Itā€™s not all deus vult. Or lux vult. whatever it is.

(And DKs and DHs are not permitted in the group but are welcome to visit the church if they stay within arms reach and donā€™t head immediately to the crypt, but like some people say, is there really a point of them coming in? light probably gives them hives or something.)

Possibly the greatest drive for zealous light worshippers currently is the attitude certain people have towards the faith. Iā€™ve seen demon hunters, death knights, warlocks, void elves walk into the Cathedral and be greeted with open arms, even favoured over paladins and priests. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d say drives me towards zealotry more than anything, at the moment.

And yeah, RPvP campaigns lead to all sorts of options and routes of roleplay.

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Compromise always is, and thank goodness for that. RP would be an unenjoyable affair if no one ever budged an inch. I canā€™t personally recall any active Light oriented guilds that do not embrace zealotry* to a noticeable point, but I will take your word for it.

*For the sake of clarity, zeal is fine and in line with the faith imo. Canon Paladins and Priests regularly make remarks to the effect of that. Itā€™s about balancing that aspect with the others.

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Iā€™ll admit I donā€™t play the game anymore and am now simply a forum goblin and so donā€™t know the status of this community project but hereā€™s the thread that should tell you everything you need to know about it.


Excuse me, but some of us role play genuinely religious warlocks. May has always been this way, and I see no reason why she should be chased or cussed out of the Cathedral solely because of her class tag.

My death knight has occasionally visited the Cathedral too, specifically because it made her uncomfortable. In the words of the eccentric gnome, ā€œit makes me feel alive again. Sort of.ā€ Sort of an extreme case however.

Having a guild or community project to represent the traditional beliefs of the Church is a very cool idea.

While I have no problem with the more extremist religious groups - and Iā€™ve played something similar as a Blood Elf in the past - having representation for the mainstream organisation would help Stormwind as a hub.

I suppose it depends on the context. A warlock coming into the Cathedral, dressed in more typical clothing ought to be fine - theyā€™re accepted members of the Alliance, whose value was noted by King Varian - but if someone rocks up in full Tier 6, glowing demon wings and all, it would be very strange to tolerate their blatant disregard for the sanctity of the place.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re the former, but the latter does happen too in varying degrees.


This sums it up perfectly! :relieved:

Yeah, this is what I was mainly talking about. Iā€™ve zero issues with warlocks, necromancers, whatever, following the faith. Iā€™m talking about warlocks that rock up into the Cathedral decked out in fel green, generally trying to put the Light down or put itā€™s followers down.

Call of the Silver Hand, Sons of Silver, Order of Eastweald. These are three guilds that, although they might harbour some more zealous figures, Iā€™m 99% sure these guilds feature mostly forgiving/compassionate/whatever term you want to use for it paladins.

I definitely donā€™t try to say that zealous paladins are the majority, itā€™s definitely a minority group and you should be fully prepared for the consequences that can come out of the RP because of it (as the paladin). But you can definitely talk some down to a compromise.

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To me i think this is pretty awesome considering how badly light RP has been done. It would be nice to see a change to see to it done properly

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Thank you so much everyone for your kind responses!!

But, Iā€™m really stuck on what to name it, as ā€˜Order of the Three Virtuesā€™ seems a bit weird? I donā€™t know!

If anyone has some suggestions, that would be niceā€¦

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What about simply the Order of the Virtuous? It is simple, and immedeatly tells what itā€™s all about.


Hand of Three.
Lightā€™s Solace.
Order of Devotion.
The Virtuous.
Brotherhood of Dawn.
Something with Redemptionā€¦

Or anything like these! You can bend and alter them, if you like them more? :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all your amazing ideas! Iā€™m currently toiling between:

Dawn of the Virtuous
Hand of the Virtuous


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Are Void Elves welcome to join too?

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I would gladly support this. Having RPā€™d light theme for over 10 years.

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Iā€™d love to see more of the virtious side of Light based roleplay. Encouraging compassion and hope in trying times rather than DEUS VULT or the like. Which is fine but already has tons of representation in guilds.

Whatever the case, Iā€™d love to see this take off! Make Cathedral Square about the Cathedral again rather than a recruiting round or similar.


In simple terms, no.

As much as this will be a somewhat progressive, I suppose, sect of the Light, Void Elves are still Void Elves! Which breaks my heart because I love Void Elves so muchā€¦ Gaah! Why isnā€™t the Light more tolerant of you guys!!!

However, unlike a certain other guild, there would be no violence. I think the reaction of our guild should match with the reactions of NPCs:

ā€œOh! Hello thereā€¦ fellow member of the Alliance. I mean no disrespect, butā€¦ Iā€™m just not entirely sure the cathedral is the mostā€¦ appropriate place forā€¦ forā€¦ For someone who indulges suchā€¦ unique proclivities.ā€ - Brother Sarno

While the NPCs are very suspicious of the Void Elves, with others suggesting they should leave, none of them take direct action and only criticise in quiet or vaguely to the player and not aloud. Such open distrust and hostility would attract the attention of the King. Anyway, I think the Cathedral would be FAR more tolerant now. The Void Elves have proven formidable allies, shown through the War Campaign, to snuff them off would be a little rude!

(On a completely unrelated note, High Elves using the Void Elf model would be able to join.)

But yeah, no Void Elves. :ā€™(

Oh, and Iā€™ve decided on a name, Hand of the Virtuous.

This reflects the altruistic nature of the guild, rather than ā€˜Dawnā€™ which seems a little non-descriptive and ā€˜Orderā€™ which makes it seem like an actual organisation. Furthermore, ā€˜Orderā€™ is used waaaayyy too much and I wanted to be somewhat unique. Iā€™ll get to writing a introduction post when I have more time (Summer, probably) but thank you so much for everyoneā€™s kind words and support! I love AD so muchā€¦


You could always accept void elves in the hopes of converting them slowly back dont you think? (Just a suggestion)

ā€œYes, brother Elrithil has been an invaluable memebr of our sect, and as we all know we do not judge our previous backgrounds, the light accepts all! ā€¦ and he has been progressing marvelously if i may add!ā€

If i also recall correctly, their condition had been caused to them mostly and does not signify continuous practition unless otherwise stated so if you do wish for a way to have them join this could be a lead :slight_smile:

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