[Interest-Check] Unroaming Hub - Gilneas - Refugee Support Gathering TONIGHT!

really stupid and boring response. + pretty :poop: examples to compare it to lmao.


“Besides the blizzard approved lore, there’s no lore”

Are you quite alright buddy

anyway if you wanna discuss lore crazily feel free to enter the discord, there’s a channel for it : )


Me no like fun, me smash


I have discussed that already once the first lorebreakers went there to attempt to make it a hub a few months ago. It’s pointless, they think that a few troups described at the mission table justifies RP’ing there without Gas Masks/Protection/whatever, meanwhile Genn himself is soaked into Nazjatar not activly trying to change anything there.

I dont have more to say, if you have a different opinion fine, go RP there, have fun, feel free to do so. I respect your efforts and the zone is nice, so I get it

If 8.2.5 leaks make something happen, hell I’m up for it and I’d even consider reviving my guild and creating stuff.

I hope you can understand my point without being offended :slight_smile:


this = a way better way to phrase your point my dude. :ok_hand:

yeah to each their own, it’s a bit grey and i’m pretty sure everyone remotely enthusiastic about worgen is praying that the heritage shenanigans will tell us more.

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Unironically a good response until this. Now I just look at you with pity

Blame the “I’m easily triggered by everything”-society :slight_smile:

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wake up lupus we’re on AD realm forums, not reddit

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:zzz: low brain post tbh

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There’s apparently enough of a presence there that the Horde justification for attacking the Arathi Highlands from a zeppelin and taking Stromgarde is so they have a staging ground for potentially invading Gilneas by sea.




Good Luck to you Gilnean boys, I’ll see If I have time to pop in and cause trouble.

Who’s excited for a living hat party!


Really chilled out discord and community. I recommend it!


Alright, so. How about this. You don’t RP there, adhere to your lore, and just
 you know. Let people do their thing and have fun, without policing it?

if you read his posts you’d see he’s already planning to do exactly that.

Gilneas is a example of a marvelous city, left to waste.

I wish the Gilneans and Night Elves moved to Gilneas for BFA and we see it restored.
I would love to see some Alliance RP taking place in there.


This. It’d be very cool for Gilneans to return the favour to Night Elves.


I do agree.

I know many Elf fans might kick up a storm saying “It’s not an Elf city” and I can sympathize with that, but
there are locations of interest in and around Gilneas that can be used.


Quite honestly, us being and RP ing there can be considered by people as a tall tale, or a rumor, or anything else. You can even tell the person telling it that they must be drunk or whatever. Its fairly simple to avoid the drama that way.

As for the elves there, that would be a nice way to repay the Night elves. As for the thats not an elven city comment, neither was Darnassus a Gilnean city, but beggars (refugees, in this case) cant be choosers.


No they cannot.

Personally, I take the view that Gilneas can and should be used for something, which is not Cataclysm phased content.
Nor should it be a stale, backwards and forwards, Warfront which doesn’t amount to anything, long term.


I agree. It should be phased to the current time, for both Horde and Alliance, and it should most certainly NOT be a Warfont. That would defeat the whole purpose.