Just use a cancelaura macro if you’re so fussed about it
because you can do that mid-swing…
I shouldn’t need a macro to cancel something that shouldn’t be in the game and that does not answer my real question which is that if they wanted KM to be magic then why was it not moved to frost strike or I dunno, you get a talent choice which lets you choose frost strike or obliterate when you take killing machine.
Stop making excuses for bad design when there are extremely obvious and better solutions possible.
I agree with Merik’s POV where Obliterate’s damage from Physical → Frost is jarring in PvP where it doesn’t matter in PvE. Although he is best making a topic about it in civil fashion.
I’ve thought around the idea of having KM ignore armor instead of turn it to Frost damage and change Mastery so that KM Obliterates gain Mastery bonus. It’s funny that a FDK counter can be another FDK.
Just press your physical-guaranteed oblit when you want it to be physical only
I already have that it is called obliterate, frost strike is the frost damage one.
You are suggesting that I make 2 buttons when I shouldn’t even need to in the first place since I have an attack for frost and an attack for physical so why is the physical one doing frost?
You aren’t going to win that arguement because you know fine well that it is stupid for an ability to change damage types, the fact you are literally suggesting player created solutions to the problem proves my point in that there is a problem with this.
The whole point of it being frost with KM is to help the spec scale with mastery. I personally enjoy it since it means I get bigger crits
and why could they not just do this by making killing machine double the mastery scaling on frost strike?
Brings me back to the MoP days when KM could be used on frost strike. Probably not the design direction they wanted to move in?
yeah, i was there and this is why I have such a problem with it, they removed the ability to use killing machine on frost strike because people wanted to do the phsical damage with killing machine crits which bolstered the phsical output and therefore base damage output of the frost dk, now they have more or less ruined that and nerfed obliterate into the ground to make up for the fact that it could do frost damage and be overpowered at random…
I think different players just want different things. I’m a fan of the really high numbers you can reach with your KM oblits now. That wouldn’t be possible if the lowest hits were brought up
yeah, and I would rather have a high base output rather than relying on a completely random proc telling me wether I’m allowed to deal damage or not.
Im speaking about pvp i hope thouse changes will help. Becouse the spek is unplayable atm since the balance is suffle also. We are the only class has 2800cr spec all other are 3k+(heal dps) and unholy after nerfs drops.
with this my wish list i had for frost dk since beta is almost complete now if only the would allow us to use abilities with out it breaking wraithwalk and that would be grand, though maybe making mastery have half effect on physical damage would be nice, almost forgot please sort out the 2 hander runes either make them one handed or buff them so we might want to play with some of the more neglected ones like stone skin gargoyle.
A smart way to do it is to make Fallen Crusader, like a ability standard for all specs.
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