Interesting patch notes

  • Blackout Kick damage reduced by 8%.

  • Tiger Palm damage reduced by 8%.

  • Rising Sun Kick damage reduced by 8%.

  • Fists of Fury damage reduced by 8%.

  • Thunderfist damage reduced by 8%.

  • Strike of the Windlord damage reduced by 8%.

And how exactly were we doing too much dmg with for example fists or rsk? On the beta they hit for peanut dmg. The move away from a bursty setup WW is so insanely boring. Not sure what grass is being smoked, but it’s the wrong kind

It’s very strange, we also got some buffs here and there but it definitely feels that overall we’re getting nerfed more which is weird because we aren’t exactly doing that good, weakest melee class from what I can tell.

Correct me if im wrong, but all of these Notes should be online since prepatch, right? I can speak for MW, and thats all in the patch right now

All of these changes have been present on beta, but not on prepatch. There weren’t any new changes from what I’ve seen.

M8, It is very misleading to put only the nerf bullets without anything else. We got a few buffs too, and in the PvP section you can also find that RSK is no longer reduced by 9% in PvP and most importantly of all, SEF clones can no longer be cced at all, which is a gigantic buff to the spec.

Also, Communion of the wind got buffed from 80 to 100%, which means SoTW will hit for 12% more.

WW doesn’t hit like a wet noodle overall, but you are correct that RSK and Fists are doing less relative damage and that the dmg profile is more sustained. Will have to test new Shado-Pan talents first tho.

No, many of these changes haven’t been live, but will be since 13th August. They are merging full beta changes with live game.

The PvP section is quite loaded with new stuff. It seems they wanted to have a clean slate going into the new expansion, without pvp modifiers and go on from there.

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