Interesting title

how can you guys still play wow when Final Fantasy XIV is a thing?


I am guessing the main reason is that FFXIV doesn’t have it’s own forums


Because I tried it and I don’t find it interesting.
GW2 on the other hand. I like playing every now and then when new content is released.
Also, why have a misleading title?


Final Fantasy XIV has been a thing for years.

It was, and still remains trash in my opinion.


Well, I’ve tried FF and absolutely hated it. Didn’t even finish my first 30 days. That’s how.

another ‘interesting’ point, if FF XIV is so bloody good, why you on here?


The graphics are trash, I tried it.

I tried it when it went “free to play till lvl 35” and hated it. I started game and it took over half an hour all kinds of sitting in wagon and talking to people without me ever getting into combat. Everyone looked like some plushy toy on kids bed. Looks and feel like slow paced slow combat kids game. Not for me.

I do play gw2 and swtor but they are no threat to wow, just like wow is no threat to them. I pay and pay all as long i am having fun, and only threat to any mmorpg i play is themselves. If game is good i play it, if it is not, it can rot. I also don’t stop to play something when i start to play something else, i got enough money to play several mmorpgs same time with full subs and payments, as long they are good. Unfortunately FF didnt make this cut.


Because it looks like just another Korean MMO which I’m really not into. If you’re into that crap, then I’m happy for you, but there’s no need to talk about it here. Would you like it if you were hosting a party, but some jerk storms in and shouts out to everyone that there’s a better party down the road?

Same reason i dislike ESO, i do not like the ‘‘realistic’’ graphic style of the game and i prefer the more cartoony style of graphics that exist in WoW and The Old Republic.

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damn, that reminds me, I haven’t played Swtor in ages, still love that game, but probably all of my character names are gone now :joy:

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because it’s trash and it’s community is even more cancer than wow’s just look at this shilling on the official wow forum that all those ffxiv kids keep doing if I was a mod I’d permaban anyone that mentions that garbage of a game


There was big server merge while ago so they might indeed have to be renamed. Expansion coming on autumn definately worth checking it out latest at then if you liked it earlier (matter of taste of course). For me playing many mmorpgs keeps them all fresh, they benefit for me swapping around, things don’t get old so fast. I think if i played only wow all these years i would have get bored long time ago.

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Never caught my interest, or as I tell my guildie(s) who made the move: I am not into the weeb MMO, but if you enjoy it go ahead and do so.

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Guess again because it has :wink:

Well colour me surprised :rofl:

Can’t blame people for being frustarated with what WoW has become when you see the sytems in other games working so much better, not to mention store prices are way lower.

I have not played this particular game but I have dabbled in most of the competitors and whilst they all have individual bits which are better than WoW I have found that as a whole WoW wins hands down.

Not to say there aren’t faults in the game just not enough to put me off longterm.

Edit: Also if I do find WoW getting a bit dull and unenjoyable I will go play another game and interact on that games forums not come to another one sprouting about how good the new game I am playing is. I just don’t get that mindset.

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Cause Final fantasy caters to people mainly who have played previous titles of the games.

The GCD issue wow has currently is far from bad in comparison to whats in FF14 is alot worse than wow, same applying for the gear grind too.

Also its a pathetic sad joke when a game is going to ban you for using addons to prevent “toxicity” when its basically just to prevent people from crunching down on meta picks that much faster in reality.

Its your generic very asian designed fantasy game where most of the races in said ‘fantasy’ game are just human or elf with extra details such as cat or rabbit ears.

Black Desert online follows suit to a lesser extent of why that is not appealing to me either, just another mega tread mill. And I know this without having to research or go into further detail.

How long have you played WoW?