Interrupted during battle

The title says it all. During pet battles, the player should be immune to outside interference, however, since 8.2 this is no longer the case.

I’ve had two battles interrupted by a random mob while trying to capture a rare wild pet who of course disappeared in the process. This is really annoying. It’s especially bad in Nazjatar because due to mob density an respawn rates, it’s almost impossible to battle in certain places even if you clear the mobs beforehand.

I’m really salty about loosing those two bloodseekers and being unable to complete my Safari.

What does the combat log say for your character? Do you play with Warmode on?

Seems unusual to happen with just an npc involved as I captured one of these pets and aggrod straight after the battle because I invised to get the battle.

I haven’t checked the combat log so I can’t say for sure after the fact. I wasn’t playing with Warmode on (I never do). It happened two times and I was damn careful the second time.

First time occurred near the Hydra zone in the north the second time near the water elemental quest close to the alliance base. Both time there was a WQ going on close to where the pet battle was taking place, I have no idea whether this might be a factor or not. It might have to do with sharding / phasing.

Sorry, for some reason, the forum logged me out and chose a new char for me when I logged back in. Truly it is remarkable to see how low Blizzard’s standard for quality have fallen all over the place.

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