We need to move out of this niche idea of having the interrupt just on our Felhuntet when the affix this week relies on a dispel.
Please, please Blizz can we have a caster based interrupt? Make our demons meaningful.
I’ve seen posts on US forums saying that it’s stupid and we have other utilities at our disposal (fear, mortal coil, etc.). I’m sorry but in an expansion that requires movement, dispels, interrupts, and every other mechanic all at our once, our niche quirk is becoming a pain.
At the very least make it a choice node and add the interrupt to any demon you summon.
Its also important to point out that because Felguard’s interrupt is a stun, it creates a lot of problems.
For example, lets say that there is a pack of 5 mobs and 1 caster mob is casting from outside the pack. Ideally you want to interrupt this mob so it walks into the pack but Demo Lock is the ONLY spec with an interrupt that can’t do this.