Interview with the Author of the new Novel

You’re the one who avoids to make a point regarding the subject he wanted to talk about simply because you didn’t like the youtuber and dismissed the case altogether for reasons I guess.

I already made my point. Not my fault if you can’t read.

No. There has been datamine of Scarlet Crusade acting against Anduin and Calia since 8.1, and nothing came from it. There is no indication whatoever in the Shadowlands alpha (that is already at a very advanced stage) that the Scarlet Crusade will play a major role or are even present at all.

Also, was I expected to listen to Bellular’s video? Huh, that’s not how this all works. You are not a teacher who gives me homework. If you link a video, have the decency of giving me a TL;DR, because I am not listening to what you want me to.

I dismissed the case because I legit thought he was trolling, since dropping a link and not adding anything else is considered trolling. But I guess nothing can be taken for granted in here.

Lets say she has a motive that’s understandable, for example the Jailer showed her the torturous afterlive she saw when she died at Ice-crown to start her on the path to freeing him. She thinks it’s her future and starts to try to avoid it at all cost.

Even with a reason she still chose to sacrifice tens or hundreds of thousands of people to prevent her (at that point propably deserved) eternal torture.
But people will still try to twist whatever revelation comes as redemption, either to scream about bias in her favour or to excuse her actions.
In my oppionion it would be better to just finally kill her and end this arc that was singlehandedly the reason this addon was storywise as bad as it was.

Wait. I’m going to stop you right there.

I’m not saying it needs to be a redeeming explanation.

I’m saying that in order to have back something resembling a character, instead of the current plot device that simply drives stuff to happen, Sylvanas and those surrounding her would really benefit from actual development as characters.

Something that humanised them.
And yes, even if in the end we end up discovering she is a sh!tty human being.

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Not sure if that’s still true, but aren’t forsaken unable to feel positive emotions? So shouldn’t they all be just evil and inhumane in their acts?

Any explanation regarding Sylvanas motives, as well as how much of them was actually fed to the lower extracts of her inner circle, will inevitably allow said characters (if their point of view is addressed) to develop traits that help us define them more.

Giving us an explanation regarding the true “Loyalist” view (as Roux tagged it), will show us exactly what drives those that operate directly under it.
And might hopefully give us some slight opportunity at fishing out those that aren’t to far gone.

Keeping stuff as is, will inevitably drag them all down, as none seem to have enough “story agency” to be anything other than an extension of Sylvanas will.

Once we acknowledge some might have sympathetic reasons, we may still have a escape route to bring them back to a sort of “lesser evil” place.


Given what we have experienced regarding them, that’s obviously not true.
We have examples that say otherwise.

And even if we are to keep them as twisted or deviated beings, by humanising them I meant to give them actual depth and motives beyond the villain job they were shoved into in BfA.
I don’t mind a villain story. But I’d appreciate if I least understood to some degree, the reasoning behind it.

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There’s nothing left to explain. We already know what Sylvanas’ motives are. We’ve known since Warbringers: Sylvanas. Due to her failures in life, she has become a nihilist who despises mortality and hope. Thus she wants to kill everyone.

If you don’t know her motives, it’s not that Blizzard didn’t explain them, it’s that you were not paying attention to the story.

Sure, but the only ones we know are in that category are Nathanos and Sira. And Sira’s motivation seems to be simple enough. I don’t expect any characters of any former relevance to join them. And so I don’t expect Sylvanas motivation to matter for anyone but herself and Nathanos.

Nathanos loves Sylvanas. Derek loves Jaina.
Voss sows empathy.

Roux did say that the book features the point of view of 14 different characters split amongst the 3 “factions” (Horde, Alliance and Loyalists). We may still have a few “cameos”.

But yes, even if only Sira and Nathanos end up being the ones whose view is explored, I still think that would set a positive precedent.

Yes. And 4 characters (Nath, Sira and teo trolls) are a faction of characters in a novel. Not even a small one at that. I don’t expect them to go touring Horde cities or meeting sleeper agents in their secret mission to kill Bwonsamdi.

I did read it, but I didn’t watch the video, perhaps youtuber had some additional comments that could’ve add something up. He used to have some nice obervations in the past. And we know that in SL Anduin is no longer in charge of Alliance and Stormwind (for the better of both of them) so the Scarlets gossip could turn into something bigger. Just because they’re not appearing atm doesn’t mean they cannot have a role later. The game isn’t even in beta stage yet.

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Turalyon is an even more ruthless and experienced leader than Anduin. If Anduin never let these Scarlet gossips (which never even appeared in-game in the first place and are just datamine from 8.1 or prior to that) even harm his reputation, there’s no way Turalyon will be more lenient or passive.

Grasping at straws to find ways for the Alliance to “break apart”.

I wonder if they’d let an author give Ashenvale back to the Night Elves. Probably not and it doesn’t seem to be in the book either.

That’s like being a smarter Leader than Trump… not really a high bar to set.

You completely missed my point. Say what you will about Anduin, under his reign no one rose up against him, let alone former Scarlet fanatics. So logic dictates that the situation would be the same or even better under Turalyon, who is more ruthless and experienced than Anduin.

This novel can have an “excuse” for all these loyalists and the players who chose to follow Sylvanas rather then Horde. A sort of flimpsy reasoning that has been hiding behind the curtains all this time.

But knowing what we knew in BFA campaign there were many who just chose the side because of buased reasons or they prefered that option to the alternative. All this novel can achieve for loyalists is to give bulwark againt the naysayers or Horde and whole Alliance. But in reality thats just an excuse.

What I am looking forward to is to know more about Nathanos standpoit and what his position is moving forward. And why Sira had has become zaelous Sylvanas follower, what happened in the gaps of her death and coming back. Where do Zandalari stand now in regards to Horde and the grievences dealt to them by now-allied Alliance, How they react.

P.S. also do we see Daleryn in the picture?


It’s not grasping straws, because that will be the subject of the incoming book as well. It doesn’t mean that Alliance will fall apart but that it will finally introduce some internal conflict and focus on needs of various member states of the Alliance rather than swepting everything under the rug, “friendship is magic” where everyone sing kumbayah to lord Anduin.

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I read the same exact things in 2017, surprise nothing ever came of that in BfA. Besides it’s a known fact that the novel will mostly deal with the Horde’s internal affairs, with the Alliance playing yet again a spectator role through Alleria and Turalyon. What internal conflict, please.

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