Interview with the Author of the new Novel

Actually they are ingame, and can be found at a tree near Brill in the pre-siege-version of the Tirisfal zone. That makes it quite easy to date them, since they reference the events of Before the Storm. So they must have been written after the novel, and before the new addon.

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But, given his very meek temperament, and his tendency to let insubordination go unpunished
as well as him being very young,
calling him “ruthless and experienced” is a bold choice of words.
And Genn as well as Tyrande went against his direct wishes / orders without any fear of repercussions.

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'till she stays away from Kiro don’t care what she does with the other leaders
She can’t ruin them more, so
 only place for improvement left

He was already mentioned in one of the excerpts.

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This one is better

I never called Anduin ruthless and experienced.

Very much sais Anduin is ruthless and experienced, if you didn’t want to say that, you could remove the “even more” and “than Anduin” and just let Turalyon stand on his own.

Except for, you know, the fact that it doesn’t mean Anduin is ruthless or experienced in the first place. That’s a stretch you made for the sake of arguing about something.

Let alone the fact that, after leading the Alliance to victory in the Fourth War, he would most certainly be experienced, and that he is somewhat ruthless, as he is willing to mind control people for a short amount of time to have his way.

If you say X is “even more” Y than Z, the language clearly implies that Z is at least above average Y.

The war efford was coordinated by other people, he didn’t lead anywhere except at the battle of lordaeron and the non-battle of Orgrimmar. The people who won this war are Halford Warmbane, Genn, Jaina and the Champion, as well as the Support of the Horde-Leaders who went against Sylvanas and the traitors who severely weakend the Zandalari at the beginning of the war.
And a ruthless leader has no insubordination in his ranks, under Anduin even his staff went against his orders.

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Except for the fact when I already elaborated like 2 days ago what I meant.

All those people worked under Anduin. Anduin is the one who chose where to deploy them and gave them missions.

Also, huh, yes a ruthless leader can have insubordination in his ranks, in fact if they are just ruthless they will have a lot of insubordination. Look at Garrosh and Sylvanas. Can’t believe you actually made that argument unironically.

sorry, you are right. Being ruthless alone is no protection against insubordination.
But a ruthless leader would try to punish insubordination, Anduin never did.

But i think we can stop this discussion now, either you wrote wrong or i misunderstood (not sure, as i’m not a native english speaker) but i think we both are on the same page that Anduin is neither very experienced nor ruthless, and still in his learning phase as a leader.

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Why would Anduin punish Tyrande for her insubordination. He doesn’t have the authority to do so in the first place.

It wasn’t even a discussion, it was you getting stuck on a pointless detail for the sake of arguing :rofl:

I do wonder if anything that happens in the book will actually be reflected ingame in any capacity or form. From the interview alone Madeleine Roux seemingly understood some of the main grievances people have with the overall story of Warcraft. It also looks like that she treats the different races as actual independent nations from one another and not a single homogenized bloc.

Nope, confirmed by the writer that the novel will in no way impact the expansion nor will it be reflected in game, however it provides a background and additional in depth information about the Heroes.

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Which essentially means we can treat it as non-canon the moment it releases, because without anything happening ingame Blizzard can simply retcon or outright ignore anything that was written. (Taking a look at Golden and Jaina.)


Well you are right but Blizzard are using the excuse that they don’t want players to feel disconnected and forced to read the novel to get some sense of what happened in lore.
Laughs in War of Thorns !

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She didn’t say that.

She just clarified that she was very careful to not write pivotal events that demanded people to read the book in order to understand the overarching plot of the expansion.
That doesn’t mean that her story won’t have an impact on the games lore.


Staff! Yeah thats the problem, when Stormwind becomes such a powerhouse for every race in the Alliance, that someone accidently calls the rest of Racial Leaders - who are bound nothing but “common interest” - staff, thats when you know we are in deep :poop:


Janitor Genn and Housekeeper Tyrande took Holidays in spite of Anduin saying No!

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You got to love this tarded forum though.

This forum: “Gosh, I am so tired of Anduin ruling everyone, I am so tired of the Empire of Stormwind.”

Also this forum: “Lol Anduin is so weak, he lets everyone do whatever they please, what a useless ruler.”