Interview with the Author of the new Novel

It showed that some Alliance-Leaders didn’t give a sh*t about Treaties and would continue attacking, i think Genn’s Attack was the only really reasonable argument she had.
And sure, she had bloody hands, but her attack on Gilneas was under Orders of the Warchief, even if she overdid it a bit with the plague, but in her situation it was plague or die, because Garrosh wanted for the forsaken to die and swoop in and clear out the rest after that.

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“Overdid it a bit”

Literally nuked the entire country.

I meant her whole purpose for personally going in Stormheim and all that shady deals with Helya, but yeah thanks for bringing up Gilneas as well.

Genns attack might have proviked Sylvanas personally but she could never leverage that, thats why she sang a song of delusion in Saurfangs ear

And i thought the Sarcasm in this part was obvious.

Genn didn’t know about any shady dealings at the time. At this point in time Alliance and Horde had an armistice to find the Stuff needed to beat the Legion. Not even the player really knew about Sylvanas’ dealings until the end.
He attacked her because he had to settle an open dept (his Son) with Sylvanas.


Then put “/s” at the end. Also knowing your track record, you might have been serious.

Oh Genn side of story was pure aggression on her, resting on a very flimsy lore mystery of him getting a letter from forsaken scout.

Im talking about Sylvanas and her side of the coin, because of her personal doings in Stormheim, this whole mess turned out to be in Genns favor, because she cannot openly call him out for the attack without exposing herself…

Well at least in BFA… now who cares anymore…

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When it comes to Sylvanas my Track-record should be mostly hating her, but for the reasons that are reasonable, olike burning a Tree with Tens of thousands of people on it.

Like i said (i don’t know how many times): I hate Sylvanas character. I dislike how she was written, and with her history of betraying Allies when it benefits herself i think it was very unrealistic that the other Horde leaders trusted her further than they could throw a Kodo and didn’t rebel the instant she was made warchief by a dilirious Troll.

More interviews with Madame Roux !

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First Accolon, now Pyromancer? She really is going for the wilder, erm, more “speculative” lore channels, isn’t she?

She also has another one with Bellular today.

The way he as been going not necessarily disproving my point. :wink: Well… I guess no one can deny their passion for that cosmic stuff. But an interesting advertising campaign anyways.

True enough yes. But it was used in the short story to the War of Thorns to justify the war and to sway Saurfang.

She did. At least once and only in front of Saurfang. It was a missed opportunity.

Oh…uff… interesting choice of her.
Have to watch the other two interviews before I comment any further.

Sure, but the argument wasn’t “They already declared war, we will just be continuing it.” but “They are hostile enough to create war in the future, as seen in Stormheim, so we should just get it out of the way.”. I feel that’s a significantly difference.

I see what you mean and I agree. You are right. They could have chosen a different direction, but this was what we’ve gotten.


She does not know their content, they just asked her to be on their WOW Channels and she agreed. She is very chill and laid back, and is loving the exposure as well the positive reception from players till now.

Yeah, sure. And Blizzard had no say in the interviews and didn’t look at the people involved. Come on, this is an ad campaign, of course they checked who they were dealing with.

You might be correct, but why would Blizzard choose barely known Youtubers with such a small sub base? Couldn’t they have chosen WOW Channels with much broader audience?

Indeed, that’s the question I am asking. But I have no doubt that they were chosen. She is working for Blizzard. That’s no “small indie company” anymore.

But she seems to be making a “down to earth”, approachable impression that does seem to spark the interest of the story crowd here, doesn’t she?

And maybe it’s just that the smaller channels don’t have to deal as much with the “Blizzard shill!”-suspicions.

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btw, Tyrande and Thrall were friends in the game. They fought together against legion in Warcraft 3. They became close friends during Cataclysm. Thrall even have celebrate his wedding at Nordrassil. By the fact, Tyrande was one of the few invited guests at that wedding.

And just a reminder, that during the times of that wedding, there was already a war between the Horde and the Alliance. Weeding happens after the battle of the Ashenvale forest.
So, the war against the Horde was not affecting on relationships between Thrall and Tyrande.

Also, we already know that in starting quests in Shadowlands, Thrall will be the only one, who will dislike to leave Tyrande behind. Jaina will have to convince Thrall to leave his friend Tyrande behind.

But, in the new book, the new author paints relationship between Tyrande and Thrall as cold. Like they never ever knew each other.
Thrall asks her for a visit to Nordrassil, he asks it like Tyrande is totally stranger to him. And when they finally met, Tyrande blames Thrall for the Horde crimes…

So, maybe its an author mistake? What do you think?

Yeah the Cata Thrall Green Jesus episode was pretty bad.

I don’t think it should really be considered a mistake. I can see both sides to this, especially after Teldrasill. A deep friendship would be out of place, considering what they were talking about even more.
Consider what Tyrande just went trough.

I mean her last words to Thrall was very considerate to Thrall in my view. She gave him basically a chance to “make it right” if he manages to bring her Sylvanas head.
That’s still way to easy for my liking and a cop-out, but I did not expect much else. Sadly.