Interview with the Author of the new Novel

I fail to recall her leveraging Stormheim situation for spark the War.

It was during the short story A Good War. It was a deciding factor why Saurfang agreed to the war in the first place.

“The boy in Stormwind will not start a war tomorrow,” Saurfang said.

Her eyebrows lowered. “With Genn Greymane in his ear? We will see.”

That was a concern, Saurfang had to concede. In the thick of the fighting against the Burning Legion, Greymane had launched a mission to kill Sylvanas. It had gotten some of Stormwind’s few remaining airships destroyed.

There were whispers that Greymane had ordered the attack without Anduin’s permission, but as far as Saurfang knew, Greymane had not been punished. The implications of that were troubling, and every possible explanation led to same conclusion: the old worgen would always drive the Alliance toward war

against the Horde.

Sylvanas’s eyes glittered. “And the boy is becoming a man. What if that man decides that he has no choice but to launch a war on us?


As Qulzan said, it was one of the main reasons that convinced Saurfang of all people, to tag along.


Ok, I see this, but what she did there was to tease Saurfang about Genn from which Saurfang drew the Quoted conclusion.

Which was one side of the story.

She never actively stated the act of Stormheim as a starting point for war. Sure its was great manipulation from her side, but not the reason to launch the envasion, and with that phrase she stated many other old hatreds. . .

Idk if that makes sense

She gave a reasoning that kickstarted Saurfang to the point he concluded that war was necessary to some extent.

And honestly, regardless of ulterior motives, I think that attempting to assassinate any sovereign head of state constitutes a plausible and logical casus belli.


If he knew what she was up to in Stormheim, doubt that reasoning would not have worked in her favor…

Talking of the book why is it not out in the uk yet? amazon says i have to wait til the 28th

That’s weird. I received it today (and will probably post my impressions soon enough).

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No idea I have mine, but no idea about the UK.

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i have a friend in the netherlands who got it today as well but the uk amazon says that the release date is now the 28th of july which has me utterly confused

I just wonder, in the book Sira says that she did not choose to become undead. Its very important moment, because she hates that she became Undead.

So in other words, thing that have happened to Sira and Delaryn was the same thing that have happened in Andoral. It was not Night Elves own choose.
Finally this moment became logically explained…

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