and when 90% of players black list BM, you nerf them until people don’t black list them, and they black list something else. ques based on whatever the leader blacklist
And when actual balance is in fact fine , everybody will just perma-blacklist whatever spec causes them personally the most problems until it doesn´t, and will then move to whatever spec is now causing them problems once the former finally gets nerfed, so no matter how perfect balance is, someone will always be next in line to get something nerfed…
Get melted by a firemage during combustion? “Firemage OP”, blacklist, drum up support for the idea in your guild, they blacklist and drum up more support, combustion eventually gets nerfed in arenas, and nobody has to deal with firemages ever again because they now do zero damage both outside of combustion AND during it. So, we then move on to affli lock, perma-corruption is op, then rogues becase shadowstep is OP, and Paladins because Bubble is OP, blahblah and the cycle just continues until everybody is hitting each other with melee auto attacks and foam ashbringer toys.
This is maybe a good idea ion paper, but in actual practice it is by design the opposite of actually wanting proper balance, this instantly becomes “I want everyone else to be weaker than me”, and immediately turns arena into a popularity contest that excludes people for simply wanting to play the game on a spec that other people´s hoogie-boogie concept of “balance” say is op. In an environment where, traditionally, the game is only ever “balanced” when one´s own spec is the OP one.
Also, have arena queues become so fast that we can now afford to lock out the few people that actually still want to engage with it?
Yes, I see absolutely no possible problems with this suggestion, especially not in a community that already regularly and ruthlessly abuses reporting functions to sanction players for doing nothing wrong other than not playing the game the way they want to see it played because telepathic communication lines broke down.
People will always blacklist Disc in 2s lmao.
I find it hard because the argument is either always play against S++ or never against them… whats worse?
Well, in one you´re forced to get better as a player to have any sort of chance and still likely lose, wheras in the other you never get to prove how good you actually are because you took the easy route from the get go.
Both offer opportunities for personal growth and achievement, the question is just which way someone prefers to grow and what they wish to actually accomplish. This suggestion clearly chooses the latter route.
It´s like asking an F2000 Driver whether they would rather compete in F1 against Coulthard, Schumacher and Senna for the same pay they get now, or compete in Go-karts… The truly competitive driver will want to go up against the best and see how he measures up, no matter how imbalanced it may be and how badly he’s going to lose, wheras the less competitive driver that only wants the money wil take the Go-karts and run
What? You think it’s facing people who are playing equally powerful specs isn’t testing yourself, where facing S++ spec is truly showing how good you are… I’d say the people playing the S+++ is taking the easy route and for that they get punished by being blacklisted.
And IMHO Blacklisting the OP FOTM is just as easymode /cowardly /uncompetitive as choosing it specifically because it´s OP. Because when the dust settles, both of these players are looking for a way to make it less hard on themselves, instead of adapting to the situation and overcoming it (or one could argue that that´s exactly what they feel they´re doing, because they couldn´t overcome it before so they adapted by rerolling /blacklisting teh class tehy can´t beat)… No matter how you slice it, at the end of the day they´re both doing the same thing, they´re just going about it differently.
Imagine you play as a main a class that performs several different functions between the specs, such as e.g. monk or paladin. You play windwalker, you’re not even into healing, maybe occasionally dabble into tanking in pve, but that’s about it. You’ve never been into the healing playstyle anyway. Then, Blizzard does some oopsie and buffs windwalkers a bit much, they become tier S, haters start hating on the forums as they always do anyway, and everyone starts spam banning windwalkers. You’re now not allowed to play the game essentially without rerolling to something else than the main you actually enjoy playing because of some dumb system.
Grats, that’s what your design suggestion leads to.
Though tbh, sometimes I just want to see these arbitrary “please punish people for not playing the way I want them to” systems actually implemented… But that’s because the have zero impact on my gameplay experience and I´m also a BIIIG fan of letting people screw themselves over the hardest, as it´s unfortunately the only way most will ever learn…
Because of course it’s categorically impossible for a system like this to come around full circle and suddenly be the reason the very people that suggesting it can´t play… Nu-uh, my class is never ever the overpowered one …
I do not think this is a good solution.
However, there should be a blizzard official forum for pve and pvp separately, where people can vote on polls on what class needs nerfs, and what needs buffs.
Sounds like an easy and democratic way of communicating how the playerbase feels about current balance.
If you think people would blacklist BM hunter over disc priest in 2’s you’re delusional. Also if people black listed disc priests, no one would ever get a queue pop, ever.
Fried take. Next.
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