Introduce yourself

A fellow Czech by any chance? :wink:

What is this travesty! It was called WotLK! Next thing you will be calling DM “VC” :tired_face:

Char Name: Drbergenbour
Class: Priest
Faction: Dwarf
Guild: Dwarven Excavation Co
Previous Servers: Defias, Sporregar.
About: Played vanilla and Tbc, mostly RP-shenanigans very little endgame stuff.
On Zandalar I will play as the mildly eccentric DR. Bergenbour, Grand Archaeologist of The Dwarven Excavation Co.
Cant wait to cross your path!

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Char Name: Fursona
Class: Druid
Faction: Horde
Guild: Guildless currently (Brit)
Previous Servers: Balnazzar
About: I played an Alliance gnome warrior quite successfully back in the day, orginially i played horde on burning legion and was involved in the beta for this game. my most successful char was Mightymidget, achieving having Thunderfury back when i was one of 2 on my server, before nax and stuff was released. i enjoy pvp and managed to get rank 12. Anyway! glad this game has come home to its roots, looking for some more players to hand with that can tolerate a sarcastic brit and his brother! (hunter). lvl 40 at the moment and enjoying being a feral beast !


My bad, no I was Brit but joined RTF, not sure if you remember them? I was also in Critical.

Char Name: Gurthok, Sixixnine, Stevén (Not sure what one i’m rping on yet)
Class: Shaman, Rogue, Warrior
Faction: Horde
Guild: TBD
Previous Servers: Scarshield Legion, Defias Brotherhood.
About: Used to RP a lot back in the day, played in some pretty cool forsaken guilds. I really enjoyed pvp as well so i’m really excited to get into the world pvp and for battle grounds to be released. Still not sure what i’m going to RP as, Orc or Forsaken, but i want to see what guilds start up. There are some pretty neat guilds that seem to be starting up.

I remember you! There’s a bunch of SSL folks running around ZT, we should meet up at the Broken Keel!

Characters :

  • Fuseblower (Tynara Fuseblower), blowhard Gnome Mage

  • Felary (Felary Felony), Tynara’s Warlock sister Tunavil

  • Cognitron (Cogni), dim witted Gnome Warrior

  • Kleptocog (Sue Kleptocog aka “Sulky Sue”), cynical Gnome Rogue

Not guilded (not looking for a guild either)

Previous realms : Darkmoon Faire although my Gnomes have moved around on some other realms too like Defias Brotherhood.

About : been around since launch of TBC but lost interest in last years, very much a solo player mostly interested in in-character W-PvP. Will support public RP events.

Note : my whisper channel is permanently shut off so if you whisper “can i hav gold plx?” or “OMG u were my hero at DMF!!!1!!” then I’m not ignoring you, I simply don’t see it :slight_smile:

Why would you do that to yourself?! Some people… :persevere:

Char Name: Xuthi/xuthus
Class: Warrior/rogue
Faction: Horde
Guild: Plaguemist
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt
About: I started on ravenholdt at the end of vanilla on alliance… didnt know what I was doing really and played casually. Went horde in TBC as a rogue and joined Zylos Hand… those were the days… ratslayin’. Found my fav. class in wotlk and went cow warrior and never looked back…
IMO the game went down hill after wotlk, TBC/Wotlk was its golden days for me.

wpvp and pp in general are what I enjoy, though Im not opposed to doin abit of pve.

i played a few of the expacs after but not really seriously. Im enjoying playing classic tho and is good to see some familiar faces…

Char Name: Blackthorn
Class: Warlock
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Alterac Free Company
Previous Servers: Defias Brotherhood / Argent Dawn
Hi, everyone. Some of you might remember the old days on Defias Brotherhood when I led an effort to create an authentic Scarlet Crusade guild, though sadly the effort fell into ruin due to split beliefs over what the Scarlet Crusade is.

I try to stick to written lore and the Alterac Free Company is no different, rooted heavily in scraps of lore even if its existence is our own creation.

Hordies beware, though I’ll try to refrain from targetting grey level players.

Char Name: Llyre (previously Hademar, Rahemo, Aloria)
Class: Rogue
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Guild, for now
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt (and DB after merge)

I’ve played since vanilla but never reached 60 before TBC came out. I think I was just very slow though. I love stabbing people in (W)PvP and ganking. Some guilds I’ve been in are Dark Saints (TBC) and Doomsday Party (WoD).

Been enjoying Classic more than I expected so far! Fun to see a couple familiar faces and guild names, too.

Char Name: Laineth
Class: Rogue
Faction: Alliance
Guild: -none-
Previous Servers: Argent Dawn
Hello, I joined WoW after I hit 18 which was when my father allowed me to play the game. My brother has WoW Addiction and thus never let me try the game and with that my parents didnt want me to end up like him, so I missed the best parts of the game.
With that, I joined at the end of Cata on the Horde faction to join my brother and friends and been there for 5 years. Until I tried Alliance, and realised my heart is with it even if it meant at the cost of losing my friends. I’ve been blue ever since.
Despite trying the game during the worst time, I was a fast learner and been in and out of Collecting lot of mogs, mounts, pets, Raided Normals and Heroics, WPVP and did lot of Arenas and RBGs with locals. I learnt the best PvP from the Horde players and used it to practice in the Alliance with huge success.

This game inspired me to deal with my depression and learn how to socialise since I was diagnosed with Aspegers very late in life, I had a hard time and in WoW I learnt to have self respect, confidence and a back bone. This game and its community (including the RP community) was a big motivator to draw and push forward with my art career, which helped with my depression a lot.

It is also the game where I met my bf and we are living together for 4 years already.

Thanks Blizzard and everyone who made this game awesome! This includes you, people!


Best story <3
Welcome home. We love you and I hope i have the honor of killing you in game seeing youre alliance (no offense)

Honestly hope we get to meet in game and face off as long as we are in the same level range :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello mates

Character Name: Dêathwind
Class: Warrior
Faction: alliance
Previous Servers: nagrand ghostlands ,defias brotherhood
WoW History: i started the first days of Tbc (ahh the nostalgia ) as rogue i was in great pvp guild back then but i dint raided much sadly , and i maked some very good friends back then,

in wotlk i was pveing mostly and casualy pvping in arena , cata and rest completely casual and i stoped wow at some points ,i was fan of 1vs1 mostly ( i have been a competitive player in many games that support 1vs1 with pretty good results like bdo) , my talent was also to find tricks and combos and make a weak 1vs1 class prety strong ( like in bdo with wizard) .

i played also in pserver elysium (prenost) elysium/ligthhope (nostcore) retro wow and henhouse for vanilla ,and ares, gummy, smolderforge ,and netherwing, ( i wad behind sword specs with proofs etc) and i played warrior mostly and other classes.

Lately on henhouse i mate many duelists and great players (most of the top pvpers) like, Seuche ,Goth, madscientist,buliar,nuar preplexity stormx, chance (soda in training lol) escanor , traxe (no 1 rogue) yawnx (great druid) corossity most apes members etc and i started making warrior 1vs1 videos (with warrior being very weak there compare to classic) vs some great players (some make vids)

but the best are yet to come , (going all out with heavy add on useage, macros( i dint used any on vids almost), improved oneshot combos and improved tricks in overall ) 1vs1 vs best of each class type of videos , guides 1vs1 warr vs each class ( If there is a demand) ,and warrior pvp tricks videos.

This my channel got some decent videos

Char Name: Roessler
Class: Paladin
Faction: Human
Guild: Sail
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt (untill Cataclysm), Argent Dawn

I’m Roessler, the younger version of my paladin on Argent Dawn. Back in the day on Ravenholdt I was known as Fri the Gnome Warrior and Khaelyn the Dwarf paladin. Both have been in Iron Wheel and related guilds for most of their time there.

I’m mostly interested in RP but I also enjoy a good dungeon crawl and a chaotic PvP battle every now and again. Back in the day most of my time was spent role-playing well into the small hours. Being older, wiser(?) and more importantly more strapped for time I’ll probably be much more of a filthy casual this time around, but who knows, right?

I might at some point want to join or even start a nice role-playing guild or group focused on adventuring.

Char Name: Askaru
Class: Hunter
Faction: Horde
Guild: And Friends
Previous Servers: Steamwheedle, Moonglade, AD
About: Started WoW when I was like 12, picked RP becaude the red PvP font looked intmidating and immrdiately fell in love with the maturity of RP communities. Ran a few guilds on SWC and ML hordeside, first one being bloodhoof protectors (literally all in lower case) that I accidentally disbanded seeing if gdisband would give a warning. :slight_smile:

Left around wotlk time mostly due to falling behind the xpac curve snd being pretty apathetic to how much shallower the game felt, also real life.
Absolutely loving classic so far tho, n hopefully some horde people have seen me hanging around barrens or ashenvale chat :wink:

P.S to the nelf hunter that one shotted by escort q right at the end of it in ashenvale, ive made it policy to destroy any alliance in ashenvale when im there because of you -_-

Character Names: Tam’Tam, Khii’baah
Class: Priest and Rogue
Faction: Horde
Guild. Myth
Previous Servers: KDV (Germany) / Argent Dawn

About: German WOW Fangirl. New to Classic. Play WOW since Mist of Pandaria. Mostly interessted in RP and Open PVP. Like to support other Horde Members with my Priest while leveling. You also see me fishing and cooking a lot. Not rushing the Level Experience and love to Group up with other Players to fight the Alliance all over the World. Looking Forward for RP and PVP Events on this Server. Feel free to contact/whisper me if you like.

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Char Name: Daggerz / Majixx / Nivek
Class: Rogue / Mage / Nivek
Faction: Horde
Previous Servers: Doomhammer, Spinebreaker

Guild leader of laid back levelling guild.

Having started WOW in early 2005 i have played massicely hard core in vanilla all those years ago. TBC came out and split a lot of guild up at the end of 40 man dungeons. Went nore casual after that. Played every expansion to max level with the exception of BFA. Lost interest after MoP, as it seemed like wow had turned into a joke. Back for classic and LOVING IT.

Char Name: Rukai / Ruka / Vaitrex
Class: Warrior / Warlock / To be decided!
Faction: For The Horde!
Guild: Proud Officer of the Cult Of The Dead!
Previous Servers: I played on Aggramar most of my WoW life under the name Wartwo, being a Officer of the biggest social guild there Sunken Temple Pilots!
About: I’m a friendly guy who is Always happy to play group content! Being a Officer in almost every guild I have played in, the social aspect of the game is a huge part for me! Was a main tank from Vannila to wotlk and played causal since then!
If you see me online say Hi! Or if you need a tank just let me know!

Char Name: Yalreel Cornwell
Class: Rogue
Faction: Forsaken first!
Guild: Loktar Ogar
Previous Servers: Played on Steamwheedle Cartel from Vanilla to TBC before moving to Argent Dawn
About: Long time RPer that loves PvP as the main parts of the game, and looking forward to trying out the pair together. I’ve put together my Dark Ranger and can’t wait to carve up some Alliance after spending fifteen years as a member of the Alliance! I hope we’re all having fun in the game!

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