Introduce yourself

Char Name:
Previous Servers:

Char Name: Reavan
Class: Hunter
Faction: Alliance, Nelf.
Guild: For Ruin
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt, Defias Brotherhood

Hi I am Reavan, been playing since 2005. So happy classic is here. I am guild leader of <> a wpvp guild.
Wpvp and community and the drama that comes from both has been my passion in wow since the early days.
I’m an okey Pvper and i dabble in Rp.
I also run a community discord for the server, one of many!
Pleased to meet all the new and old faces around these parts, i hope to make zt my permanent home on wow.
For the Alliance!


Character: Kyph, Rogue, Dwarf
Hobbies: Hanging out in Horde cities.
Ideal date: AFK and PvP flagged.

I’ve been playing since 2007, although in parallel with TBC I had a vanilla account where I played warrior in a level 60 guild called Reflection (possibly the last of its kind in EU) until the pre-WotLK prepatch “killed” Naxxramas. We even downed some bosses that very last night with pre-TBC gear, although in fairness 2.4+ talents had made it more accessible.

Over these years I’ve played mainly druids and rogues. My main rogue was undead in TBC/WotLK (“Kyph” was originally “Kyphosis”, in Karazhan-EU), and since Cataclysm this human in Defias Brotherhood, where I’ve always tried to amuse my neighbours with WPvP shenanigans and casual RP.


Char Name: Nicolay
Class: Mage, Human
Faction: Dalaran loyalist, nominally Alliance
Guild: tbd
Previous Servers: The Venture Co. EU, Sporeggar EU
Backstory:Nicolay and Chromie
About: I’ve been playing since EU launch, even a bit of beta before that. Rerolled on The Venture Co. as it first opened in september 2005, and have been on RP-PVP realms ever since. Moved to Sporeggar when it launched with TBC, and played there untill I quit in 4.1 Cataclysm.
I started as a pure visitor to check out the “community” of roleplayers (I don’t think PvE servers are true WoW at all, so it never even occured to me to try AD or some such server). But the Roleplay grew on me with years of chance encounters, so now I’m quiet a fan.
I’ve always been heavily PvE raiding oriented, with some World PvP and RP from time to time, preferably both at the same time :wink:. Now I hope to focus on the RP side of things and try to have only in character interactions whenever possible.
I’ll be seeing you all in the world. Happy hunting!

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Char Name: Elviran
Class: UD Priest
Faction: Horde
Guild: Plaguemist
Previous Servers: Defias&Co.

Mostly known as Skully. Never played Classic so its all a new game to me. Honestly looking forward to playing with people I haven’t seen for years as much as I am about the game itself. Going to be nice just to explore the world again without wanting to rush through it. Not to mention seeing people out in the open world leveling. Been too long!

Victory For Sylvanas, Glory to the Horde!


Character Name: Dandamage
Class: Mage
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Tba
Previous Servers: The Venture Co

About: was Dannine priest at the sw fountain.
Vanilla guilds: Union of codex, chronology, ashes of empires.


Char Name: Trìckery
Class: UD Rogue
Faction: Horde
Previous Servers: Defias& Co.

The previous name I went by was Sìcarius, I started late TBC so this is all fresh to me. I Slew Alliance under the Banner of Zylos Hand in Wod and during Legion, I was under the Banner of Wolfram where is was pleasantly surprised by all the members I got to know. Looking forward to Slaying as much alliance as possible, one can never collect enough rat`s ears.
For the Dark Lady may her reign never end , Glory for the Horde!


Char Name: Makkaison
Class: Protection Warrior
Faction: Alliance
Previous Servers: Executus

Makkaison, Makka, The bulwark, Hero of the dwarfhold and first protector of the members of Chosen and skilled hailing from executus.
After enduring most of Vanilla gameplay and the burning crusade this character found that true heroes were scarse and unfound. Mindless automatons roamed the lands, not listening to the stories of the elders, forgetting the true work of heroes and their reputation. Disgusted with the state of things he went into hibernation by the grace of the gods and true dwarvish ale, hoping to once rise again when heroes returned. This day has come, he is ready. Slowly working his arthritis out of the joint and looking for the next band of heroes to protect from behind his shield…
For the alliance!


Char Name: Zorog
Class: Resto Shaman
Faction: HORDE
Guild: Loktar Ogar
Previous Servers: Argent Dawn, Suarfang

Been playing since late wotlk, so classic is a bit of a new experience, enjoying it a lot more than I expected! I’ve always been into pve and pvp but started to really get into rp since end of legion on AD.

Really hoping to see RP take off in this server and have big wpvp events happening.



Char Name: Un
Class: Rogue
Faction: Horde
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt, defias, AD, outland
About: Permastuck duelist, used to be Nethis on Ravenholdt in tbc/wrath if any old guys remember me.


Char Name: Nataliya
Class: Hunter
Faction: Alliance, Nelf.
Previous Servers: Ravenholdt, AD, Sporeggar

Rolled this hunter in Ravenholdt during 2006 in august, so didn’t really have time to experience vanilla all that much, but now it’s the time!

Started to get a hang of WoW more in TBC, but was hooked from the start anyway. Enjoyed all kinds of activities, but always enjoyed WPvP most. During that little time I had in vanilla, I was in NE only RP guild (Kaldorei Imperium) and got the sweets for RP side of WoW. Originally I was going to roll on a server where my IRL friend played, but when I was picking the server, I forgot the name of it… I remembered it had Raven- in it, so Ravenholdt it was!

…in reality, he played in Ravencrest :sweat_smile: But, since he was taking a break anyway, I thought why not play there. And never regretted it.

Did some lite raiding too during TBC, but eventually went my own way with few ingame friends and formed the guild Battlelust (which some liked to call with slightly different name…) with our focus being WPvP guild.

It went alright, but time came when I had other things to do, so I left the guild with capable hands of Eltyrion (human paladin, love you!) who took very good care of it. Later, Rasu was in the lead, but when I got back, he had formed his own guild with his own agendas, which is completely cool. Respect all the way Rasu :blush:

And at that time, during Cata (or around) I didn’t feel like forming this guild again, so now it’s just a tag.

But WPvP combined with RP elements is what I enjoy, with casual PvE activities. I never was hardcore raider. Actually, I wasn’t really a hardcore PvPer either, very casual with that stuff too, but we each play the way we enjoy eh :smile:

Anyway, now I’m playing classic with a hunter named Nataliya. Also a night elf, so yeah… throw a /lol at me if you see me, or gank me if you’re horde. Just as long as there is some WPvP going on! :smile:


Char Name: Nhyx
Class: Priest
Faction: Horde
Guild: Non yet
Previous Servers:Too many to mention, but I played on Frostwhisper before moving to Ravenholdt or Defias Brotherhood (can never remember which) for TBC where I stayed through WOTLK.

About: Was previously a rogue known as Cadmus, and my druid Hasslehoof. I was an Officer in Zylos Hand for most of TBC, remember playing with my friends Falkja, jinx and Dartmoor, and of course King Zylos!

I also had an alt in Battlelust, Katryn (Human female warrior to fit the alternative version of the guild name!) and vetis my lock, where i played with Eltyrion and Arturos and did some arenas as well (albeit badly).

Recognise some of the names here already (reavan i think you were an annoying nelf rogue if i remember rightly?!) and Nataliya especially, who was a kick a** huntress! Sadly so many names i forget, there was another paladin who was awesome in battlelust but good to see you here on the same server as me!

Likewise drop me a whisper or hug, or gank! Just remember, i often MC my alliance enemies just to buff them with Fortitude, or to jump them off a cliff/drown them in a lake, just depends how im feeling!

Char Name: Eventide
Class: Warrior
Faction: Alliance
Previous Servers: Kel-Thuzad, Destromath, Kargath, Lordaeron, Argent Dawn

Hi, I’m Khari. I play since 2005 (I used to play a heal pllay) now I wanna be back in Vanilla, where my time spent feels more valuable overall and eventually tank again, since that is eternal fun to me.
I used to be the (still am to a degree) the guild leader of Prismatic Society on Argent Dawn, though I will not return to retail I am pretty sure.

So, Mercenary Guild when?

Char Name: Aggaroth
Class: Warrior
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Ashes of Andorhal
Previous Servers: sporeggar [EU] (Since legion), Outland [EU], Ragnaros [EU], Archimonde [EU-FR], Elune [EU-FR]

About: Started the game at the end of vanilla when I was a kid (I’m now 21yo), never stopped playing since then. I love this game, and happy to play Classic.

I remember that name Katryn!

Actually thought you were pretty cool. One of those warriors who show good sportsmanship and behaves like they actually want to get better and learn all kinds of new tricks, while stomping their enemies with those skills and tricks :grin:

Always had great respect to the people in Battlelust. It was humbling experience when people who were good and also nice joined.

Char Name: Fringe
Class: Rogue
Faction: Horde / Forsaken
Guild: Taliethics
Previous Servers: Moonglade (since wotlk announcement) Kor’gall (legion)

Started playing during tbc, got hacked around level 25 and stopped.
When wotlk was announced I started the process to get my account back been playing on and off since then.

Having a blast in classic so far with only 1 bad encounter with another player yesterday since he felt like I stole his quest npc although Ive been trying to get that for like 45 minutes.

So be it right?
Currently sitting at level 14 and got to my first gold yesterday which felt special for some reason and I wanted to share that here :joy:

Char Name: Vrax

Class: Human Rogue

Faction: Alliance

Guild: For Ruin

Previous Servers: Ravenholdt


Hey guys, started playing in mid Vanilla on Ravenholdt as a human rogue. I mostly spent my time camping crossroads and enticing higher level hordes to come and seek revenge against me. By the time I hit level 60 there was only a few months before TBC released and I had the chance to start again.

During this time I was in the guild Dark Saints - we were a PvP guild and we wreaked havoc across the lands of Outland, some called us a zerg fest but we had a great core of dedicated WPvP players. However, during the the end of TBC I joined Battlelust and later House of Lothar. We were a small guild but a force to be reckoned with none the less!

My final expansion was WotLK, to me this was the demise of WoW, however it didn’t stop me from having a lot of fun. I dabbled in PvE more than ever this time around in order to get some good enough gear for PvP. A lot of the old communities that made Ravenholdt great had dissipated by the end of WotLK and come the Cataclysm I felt the need to move on from WoW.

Until now!

Classic has already been a true return to form for me and personally I can’t wait to form some great memories playing with you guys.


Char Name: Komarod
Class: Shaman
Faction: Horde
Previous Servers: Silvermoon, Sylvanas
About: Hello everyone, I am a 15year long subscriber to the game, having been playing since pretty much the beginning and now we’re back (shorta) to it. Spent most of vanilla on Silvermoon as a belt warrior called Greenfury and a Taure shaman called Beeftekis. Both chars at rank 11 since I mostly pvped which is my main goal for this time around as well.

Now for a little backstory for Komarod, and since this is an RP server I have made it a bit “immersive”, hope you enjoy and see you on the battlefields!

There was once an Orc Warrior, veteran of the second war, who after the haze and rage of the blood curse settled fell into a deep depression for his actions on draenor and azeroth and started wasting away indulging in drinking insurmountable quantities of firewater, smoking piles of sea-weed and snorting vanishing powder just to forget, just to silence the voices in his head.

After years of abusing said substances, something changed in his heart… For the first time he felt peace, and the voices where silent.

He crawled out of the cave he called home for so many years, all pale and weak, and he heard “Come!”

He was startled! The madness was coming back… He stopped, “No!” That was not one of the voices that tormented him for so long… This one was new, calm, strong!

He followed the voice. For days without food, water but still he didn’t feel any thirst nor hunger. For days without any weapons or armor, those have rusted and wasted away all this time in that dump cave he called home. He marched on, with but a cloak on his back and a stick in his arms, he marched on…

After many days, weeks maybe, or months, he reached the top of a small hill.
There he found a small pond. He just stood there, a light breeze on his back, the sweet warmth of the sun on his skin.

“Come!” said the voice again, “Come and see!”
He took two steps closer to the pond, “COME AND SEE!” this time louder. He didn’t feel threatened though.

Two more steps and he could see his reflection, the strong proud warrior he once was didn’t resemble at all what he was seeing in the water. He was but a shadow of his former self, a weak, torn shell.

The breeze in his back suddenly turn into a strong wind, and he heard a new voice “DO YOU SEE NOW!?”
This new voice had an authority, a push, just like the wind now all around him.
“PATHETIC!” another voice yelled just as his skin started to warm up, more and more as if he was going to burn!

He dropped on his knees, “UNWORTHY!” a fourth voice called out at him just as the very earth he has fallen on started to tremble and roar!

His eyes filled with tears, the desperation he felt back in the cave once again enveloped him… “What is this?” he thought to himself, “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?” he yelled! “TAKE ME! TAKE WHAT’S LEFT OF ME AND BE DONE WITH IT!” “END THIS SUFFERING!”

“Come…” said the first voice. He looked back up at his reflection in the pond.
“Come…” the water started to shake and his reflection… his reflection… It was changing…
“Come…” He mustered all the strength he could while the earth was getting a better hold on him…
“Come…” Tooth and claw, fighting, fighting to get free, fighting for the first time in a long time…
“Come…” He managed to break one arm free…
“Come…” Then another…
“Come…” He started crawling towards the small body of water, the wind still raging, the sun still burning, the earth still pulling him down…
“Come… Drink” He reached the small body of water and with both hands started to drink…
“Come…” Every sip he took he felt stronger, his mind clearer… It was… It was healing him…
“NO!” yelled the other three voices…
“STAND!” the voice commanded him, “STAND AND SHOW ME!” -“SHOW US!” -“SHOW US!” -“SHOW US!”

He was calm now, his body felt strong, so strong after all this time. His mighty heart pumping blood, faster, stronger! He clenched his first and struck at the earth.
“ENOUGH!” he yelled! With a mighty roar he broke his earthen shackles and stood on one knee! The wind now almost a tornado whipping him mercilessly! “ENOUGH!” he yelled again and stood up on both his feet! The sun burning even more than before.
“ENOUGH!” He yelled for the third time and everything stopped…

“Come…” said the voice again…
He turned around and looked at his reflection… He was different, healed, his once broken and weathered body once again full of life!
“Do you see now?” The voice asked…
“Do you understand now?” He nodded as his eyes crackled with lighting…
“Show us!” replied the voices in unison…

That very moment a Night Elven rogue jumped out of nowhere and ambushed him. “AN ELF!? HERE!?” He thought as his body tensed, readying for combat… It has been so long!
With a swift move he dodged and pushed her away, he remembered his training, his many battles. He grabbed that wooden branch he used as a walking stick on his way there, completely calm, he looked at the rogue and said “Come!” with a smirk on his mouth.
The Night Elf lunged at him, daggers in both hands! He parried with ease and as he took a step forward firmly planted his feet to the ground.
“Use us!” the voices called! The rogue turned swiftly to strike again only to face the orcs firs! The strike was so ferocious that even he was taken aback by the force. “So this is the strength of earth?” and smiled.
The Elfs mask was broken, she tore what was left of it as she stood up and spit blood on the ground and in a blink of eye she vanished!
“Use us!” The voices called again! The orc planted his stick to the ground, “As long as there is fire in your heart, you can use it to burn your enemies!”, he focused his mind “I see now, I can feel it” and with a thundering roar a wave of fire blew out in a circle around him and catching the rogues cloak on fire forcing her to break her stealth!
“Use us!” The voices called a third time! The orc picked up his “weapon” once again and charged the elf. Running towards his enemy with a piece of wood in hand he thought “I must be crazy” and while she was busy removing the charred cloak he striked! He was expecting to just piss her off but the rogue was blown away by the force of his attack…
The rogue fell lifeless to the ground, her pudded armor torn in many places…
He stopped… “How is this possible?” He thought to himself and one of the voices replied “Do NOT underestimate the fury of the wind!”

“Do you see now?” “Strong!” “Worthy!”
“Do you see now?.. Shaman!”
“Go to him…”
He nodded… He understood now… He was given a second chance… The stories from the homeworld… The seers who communed with the elements… Before they turned into those… ‘things’… He did not know why he was chosen, he only knew he was given a second chance, and with that renewed purpose…

He looked around “Hmmmff, The Barrens… I see now”
He started walking down the hill, “Heh, it’s a long way to Orgrimmar… But I am sure a certain ‘someone’ has already been notified of my return” he thought as he smiled…


Also this is me, I didnt know you could select classic characters :smiley:

Char Name: Sitrueis
Class: Warlock
Faction: :skull: Forsaken/Horde
Guild: none in future I hope for Grimaltiorem
Previous Servers: Argent Dawn
About: Hi, I started playing at Woltk, I love classic, it is blast for me mostly enjoying RP/PvP and social interaction.

For the Dark Lady.

Char Name: Spears
Class: Mage
Faction: Alliance, Gnome
Guild: Vicious Yet Delicious
Previous Servers: Bloodhoof, Daggerspine, Drak thul.
About: Im a old veteran Vanilla player, I played from the very first ever classic beta as a dwarf hunter, I often made new toons and hopped about raiding and pvping right up until TLK expansion then came back towards the end of BFA to try out the content and learn the new lore.

Im the GM for VYD and looking to expand the guild into doing regular mid core PVE raiding, World PVP and dabble for those that choose in RP.

May Elune watch over you all.