Introducing the Trading Post!

I’m all aboard with this. But is there some reason that we’re not calling it what it is?
"Battle pass"
It’s a battle pass, guys. Just a wow version.


They said there will be a rotation of items, so if you miss something: It should return after a while.

Hopefully that’s true.

Yes, but one you get just for being subbed. It’s smart.

I’ll be honest: This system has me more hyped than any of the stuff in DF.


This looks super cool and interesting! Thanks

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Please let us earn the store mounts this way. I see the celestial steed which is a good sign but being able to get them all overtime without having to pay via the store would be amazing and so consumer friendly.


I’m with you there, Tah :slight_smile: I’m personally very excited about this news.


I’m ok with a battle pass as long as it’s not centered around FOMO and paying money to skip the activities. As long as items return I don’t particularly care. Also seems like you can hoard the currency rather than have it reset.


It’s basically the ‘season’ event they have in SWTOR and I loved that.
So yeah… Looking very much forward to this.

Sounds interesting. Can’t wait to give it ago.

I’m looking forward to this !

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There are plenty of power rewards already. One more would make no difference.

As a person who’s not really ‘into’ raiding, mythics and so on - things like this really appeal to me. Giving me a reason to log on, goals to achieve, progress to make that’s not tied into sweating it out in RBG pugs. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I’m a ‘casual’, but this certainly appeals to the casual in me :smiley:


This looks awesome!

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This is to come on the PTR so when will this be live o>O

Where besides dungeons and raid?

Crafting, open world, reputation. Basically almost every activity in the game. I don’t care about yet another one to be honest. I’m glad this one is about fluff.

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looks kinda like a login reward but more casual so that’s nice

I like it
but i hope there are no REPLICATED rewards i have just different color

Looks awesome

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This looks really interesting, I look forward to it.

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Brutosaur? :eyes: