Introducing the Trading Post!

A little worried about things rotating out and returning “in the future” - especially on a limited amount of currency. It just needs bad luck and you’ll have to wait several months for it to return, or it returns when you’re taking a break for a bit and you miss out on it.

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This sounds good!

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This sounds like a really good system that encourages people to stay subscribed, but without forcing people to make an up-front commitment of subscribing for a full 6 or even 12 months, or some annoying FOMO battle-pass that forces people to no-life grind for several weeks straight.

I also like how those extra 500 points will probably come from activities one will probably already be doing, like M+, rather than forcing people to grind out boring quests.

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Hehe. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s almost like a reversed Battle Pass.

Rather than paying 10 bucks for a monthly battle pass, you instead pay 10 bucks for a monthly subscription to get access to a feature that essentially functions like a battle pass.

Blizzard you sneaky…

I do approve through. It sounds fun. :+1:

Reminds me of the adventure log in ff14 where you stamped the book.
This stuff stays free then we are golden. And its gonna be good world content for those
who want it. imagine if its the start of something cool like, " go to badlands and do this, or gather some peacebloom in this old zone" Not a perfect example but good to get people out in the world!

Or like doing quests, rather than forcing people to grind out boring M+.

But yeah, they seem to be offering up ALLLL kinds of activities to do. So that’s good.


Looks like SW:ToR’s Galactic Seasons :eyes:
…and that is simply marvelous system!
I hope willl works in WoW too!


Brilliant. They are really leaning heavily into the open world activities this expansion…
Im loving this new direction they are taking!


Sounds good, look forward to seeing it.

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Hopefully they add some new skimpy mogs for plates wearers

TBF you could just quickly log a bunch of alts in 2 seconds and then have some currency ‘banked’ for special purchases!

I take it that people who once bought mounts that will be available through this feature will get free currency, right?

If you would have read the article, you’d see that items are on a MONTHLY rotation and theres always a chance for stuff to rotate back into inventory.

You just have to decide what you want to buy from your monthly set of 1000 coins. If the trading post has nothing of your interest in it, you can simply collect your coins and wait for the next rotation, where you can then spend 2000 Coins.

I really don’t see a problem in not getting everything in one month. Just cherish the opportunities it offers on otherwise unobtainable items.

Pretty sure you learn how to decide on stuff early on in kindergarten…

And it is already monetized by your sub. If a subscription is 13€ per month and the average battlepass costs 10€ you should be able to see how that works. (Mind you that most battlepasses in other games run for up to 3 months which is a monthly expense of like 3,33€).

You guys’ (not only Aegrid specifically) need to to stop question everything the WoW Team does lol.


Finally I can get more belts and shoulders for my dracthyr…

I hope not. They aren’t refunding the ones who bought a Feldrake for 5k€ and they won’t refund your 25€ shop mount just because its “free” to earn in-game lol.

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Absolutely this. I have no interest in mogs but pets and mounts on the other hand … With my cynical hat on, I can’t see anything that would particularly benefit Blizzard … just a fun thing people can do or not as they wish.
I’m also happy that the currency can be got from almost everything so non dungeoneers/raiders don’t lose out as we so often do :slight_smile:

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account-wide currency, so no alt-hopping shenanigans probably

never worked like this, never will work like this
your reward for getting stuff earlier is having the stuff earlier
you could also choose to never buy anything again, just in case you get it for free 10 years later, but that doesn’t sound fun to me


You are out of your mind if you think its worth getting a ilvl upgrade over one or two unobtainable items for your 1000 coins per month.

Its worth for casuals

would be nice if it gave rep to old factions (paragons )